We take people and organizations to the next level

Want us to help you develop better leadership and stronger organizations?

We are a strong team of some of the country's leading specialists in the field. We have diverse backgrounds and include management researchers, former top executives and former HR specialists.

All have high-level consultative skills and strong virtual facilitation skills.

Get to know the consultants better and contact them below.

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  • All of them
Employee, Aia Sabine Jensen

Aia Sabine Jensen

Employee in LEAD, Andreas Drud Bendsen

Andreas Drud Bendsen

Employee in LEAD - Andreas

Andreas Fricke Møller


Anika Mergen Hee

Employee in LEAD - Anne Kirstine

Anne Kirstine Bach Kristensen


Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen

Employee in Lead - Asbjørn

Asbjørn Molly


Astrid Kilt-Lindblad


Betina Hansen


Cecilie Schultz Pedersen

Employee in LEAD - Christian Qvick

Christian Nyvang Qvick

Picture of Professional Director Claus, Public Recruitment

Claus Elmholdt


Emma Holmgaard


Helene Gammelmark Pedersen


Helene Lynge Kristensen

Employee in LEAD - Ida Ilkjær

Ida Ilkjær

Employee in LEAD - Ida Marie Thulstrup Pedersen

Ida Marie Thulstrup Pedersen

Employee in LEAD - Jan Højsgaard

Jan Højsgaard


Jeff Bøgeholt


Jeppe Johansen

Employee in LEAD - Johan Horsten

Johan Horsten

Employee in LEAD - Johanne Merrild

Johanne Merrild Schrøder

Employee in LEAD - Josefine Dilling Linneberg

Josefine Dilling Linneberg

Just Bendix Justesen, Consultant

Just Bendix Justesen

Employee in LEAD - Kaare Pedersen

Kaare Pedersen

Employee in LEAD - Katrine B. Meiner, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Katrine Bastian

Kenneth Kristensen-6 - view format

Kenneth Kristensen

Employee in Lead - Kim Martin, Authorized Occupational Health and Safety Advisor,

Kim Martin Nielsen

Picture of LEAD employee - Kirstine Føge Jensen

Kirstine Føge Jensen


Kirstine Møller Nielsen

Employee in LEAD - Kristian Dahl, Public recruitment

Kristian Dahl

Employee in LEAD - Laust Søndertoft, organizational forms

Laust Søndertoft Pedersen


Leif Michael Westmark

Employee in LEAD - Liva Lindekilde

Liva Lindekilde


Lukas Hjuler


Maja Nyboe Bjerrehuus

Image of LEAD employee - Marianne Hedegaard

Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard


Mary Apostolaki Johansen

Employee, Mette Tange

Mette Tange Vestergård


Michael Søby Andersen

Employee in LEAD - Michelle Elise Christensen

Michelle Elise Christensen

Employee in LEAD, Mickey Klysner Riis, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Mickey Klysner Riis


Mikkel Toxvig

offer consultant

Nicole Malmgaard Baandrup Rasmussen

Employee in LEAD, Niels Abildgaard Jørgensen, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Niels Abildgaard Jørgensen


Nynne Nørgaard Jensen

Ole Mathorne

Ole Mathorne


Per Gulløv Lundh Eeg

Pernille Holmstrøm 400x500

Pernille Holmstrøm

Image of LEAD employee - Rasmus Engelbrecht

Rasmus Engelbrecht

Employee in LEAD - Rasmus Rauch Jensen

Rasmus Rauch Jensen

Rasmus Thy Green 400x500px

Rasmus Thy Grøn

Associate Senior Consultant, Rebecca Sorusch

Rebecca Sorusch


Rikke Lindekilde

Rob Kaiser

Rob Kaiser

Lead employee - Ronja Hoejbjerg

Ronja Ries Højbjerg

Image of employee in Lead

Thomas Skovgaard


Thor Molly-Søholm

Employee in LEAD - Torsten Conrad

Torsten Conrad

Strategic partners

magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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