Educational leadership

What is educational leadership?

In a world of rapid change and technological advancement, there is a growing need for skilled educational leaders. But what is educational leadership and why is it so important in today's educational landscape?

Educational leadership goes beyond traditional institutional management. It is an in-depth approach that focuses on creating optimal conditions for learning, development and well-being for both students and employees. At the center of this management approach is an understanding of how individuals learn best and how to best facilitate this process.

Core elements of educational leadership:
  • Focus on Learning: An educational leader is constantly looking for new and improved teaching methods, technologies and pedagogical strategies. Their ultimate goal is to enhance the student learning experience.
  • Relational Prowess: Building trusting and strong relationships is essential. This includes relationships between teachers, between students and teachers, and between the manager and staff.
  • Constant Professional Development: Educational leaders recognize the importance of continuously developing themselves and their team. They value continuing education, workshops and courses that can bring new knowledge and skills into the institution.

In a digital era where information is constantly available, educational leadership becomes even more crucial. It's not just about transferring knowledge, but about guiding students and teachers through a world of information and teaching them to navigate, analyze and apply that knowledge critically.

For all organizations in education, it's essential to understand and incorporate educational leadership. This isn't just a trend; it's the future key to successful education. With strong pedagogical leadership, institutions can ensure that they are not only keeping up with the times, but are one step ahead in shaping the educational landscape of tomorrow.

Good educational leadership focuses on student learning

At LEAD, we believe that when educational leaders focus on student learning, it has a positive impact on student outcomes.  

However, many leaders find that everyday life is filled with practical tasks rather than dialogues about teaching and student learning. For some managers, the pedagogical part of the management task slips into the background in favor of practical, financial and administrative tasks.  

This can lead to unfortunate consequences. Good educational leadership means that a clear focus on student learning permeates the strategic, professional, change and administrative management work.  

Educational leadership is not a special task for management, but is about focusing on how the school supports student learning. And successful educational leadership depends on the ability of leaders to concentrate on and continuously return to the work of learning in an everyday life characterized by practical and administrative tasks - and new agendas set by administration and politicians. 


Key aspects of educational leadership

This work is demanding and can benefit from external support. At LEAD, we are happy to provide it.  

Among other things, we can help with three key aspects of educational leadership: 

  1. Set direction for the work with student learning: The leader expresses clear goals - in words and actions - that guide the work with student learning, pedagogical collaboration and the development of teachers' competencies. 
  2. Organize competencies for learning: The leader ensures that teams, meeting forums and competency development contribute to improving the quality of teaching and student learning. 
  3. Engage in dialog about teaching: The manager participates in professional discussions about pedagogy, provides feedback on teaching and discusses new didactic initiatives with teachers. 

LEAD's approach to educational leadership

There are rarely easy solutions to complex problems. Not even when it comes to educational management. Working with us, you can draw on highly experienced and competent management consultants who can help you with, among other things: 

  • Workshops and consulting on learner-centered educational leadership - including the use of data and working with learning 
  • How we successfully move from teams to professional learning communities  
  • How we support supervisors and team coordinators with distributed leadership. 

In our work to support schools and daycare centers in educational leadership, we are inspired by many different approaches. These are particularly important: 

  • Learner-centered leadership, where the focus is on the leader's commitment to staff learning and development - with an ultimate goal of supporting children's learning 
  • Systemic, narrative and appreciative approach 
  • Collaboration in the management chain, where we create clarity on each function's responsibilities and required competencies.  

How we can help you

We offer you management and organizational sparring, research-based teaching and presentations on visioning processes, as well as training courses with a specific focus on giving you and your organization general management skills. Read examples of our services here.


Inspiring research-based presentations on educational leadership for all levels of your organization


Sparring in the development of your strategy, decisions and initiatives.


Facilitation of active workshops focusing on competence development at management and executive level.

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a cultural development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.


Cand. Mag. in Education and Master of Management Development


Phone: 31 37 74 62

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