Niels Abildgaard Jørgensen

Management consultant


Phone: 28 10 39 41

Employee in LEAD, Niels Abildgaard Jørgensen, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Niels Abildgaard Jørgensen

As an industrial psychologist, Niels is passionate about developing a healthy psychological work environment where a high level of well-being and motivation contributes to better results for the organization. Niels is particularly interested in how to ensure the well-being of managers and employees during change processes and how to strengthen the culture and psychological safety in the workplace. It is characteristic of Niels that he always starts from a theoretical starting point, which is linked and tailored to the individual manager's specific practice and context. 

As a business psychologist, Niels is skilled at creating trusting relationships, and his demeanor is attentive, appreciative and listening.

Niels also handles individual development programs, where he uses coaching, sparring and counseling to help managers develop their leadership practice and succeed in their role. Niels coaches at all levels of management and has, among other things, coached several Permanent Secretaries when he worked as HR Development Partner in the Government of Greenland. 

Niels is also deeply committed to developing effective management teams that create value for the individual manager, the entire management team and, not least, the overall organization. Niels has experience in developing management teams at top management level from his employment as HR Development Partner in the Government of Greenland. Among other things, Niels has designed and facilitated several management seminars for both the Permanent Secretary group and the overall management of the Greenlandic Health Service.

As a management consultant, Niels solves tasks within:

- Developing the psychological work environment
- Change processes
- Individual leadership coaching programs
- Culture change
- Conflict management
- Wellbeing development
- Stress prevention and management
- Developing effective leadership teams
Niels holds an MSc in Psychology from Aarhus University, where he specialized in the prevention and management of work-related stress. Niels has been the manager of the project consultants in LEAD and has also taken several courses and certifications, including the Leadership Versatility Index (LVI), Development of Effective Leadership Groups, Professional Change Management and Process Consulting and Thomas International DISC test and GIA test. 

Get in touch with Niels

Fill out the form and Niels will contact you as soon as possible.

Work experience

Management consultant in LEAD - enter next level (2022-)

HR Development Partner in the Chairman's Department, Government of Greenland (2022-2023)

Team leader for the project consultants in LEAD - enter next level (2021)

Project Consultant in LEAD - enter next level (2020-2021)

Teacher at Rønde Folk High School (2019)

Social worker at Haslekollegiet - a psychosocial housing facility (2016 - 2020)


Mental work environment
Developing effective leadership teams
Psychological Safety
Culture change
Change management
Stress - prevention and management
Motivation and well-being
Learning and feedback


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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