Certification in LVI

A Certification in LVI is the manager's versatility index and gives you a development tool you can use in your daily practice.

Map a clear path to better leadership

LEAD offers certification in LVI, which is the development of agile leadership with the development tool The Leader's Versatility Index (LVI). With a certification, you will be equipped to use LVI in development processes in your organization at individual, group and organizational level.

LVI certification is a 360-degree feedback method that expands a leader's repertoire of actions (behavior) and self-awareness (mindset). The feedback shows how leaders and/or leadership teams can balance the changing needs of the world around them. This is done by identifying strengths, overlooked strengths and development points for individual leaders and leadership teams.

LVI is the most commonly used tool among LEAD's own consultants, and is used both on an individual and group level, as well as on large-scale development programs, courses and trainings. 

Employees from LEAD, process consultant training, Certification in LVI

Participant profile

The course is for leaders who want to strengthen their own skills or for professional consultants who want to help their clients become a conscious and balanced leader.

The target group is middle managers, team leaders, development and specialist consultants, HR staff and consultants.

How the manager's versatility index works

- 360-degree feedback

Most leaders have a predilection for a specific leadership style. As a result, the leader's behavior becomes unbalanced and one-sided. However, the reality is that as a leader, you need to be able to constantly change tracks, adapt and apply multiple opposing leadership styles if you want to succeed.

The Importance of Versatile Management

Versatile leadership is a more agile, situational and effective leadership style. A versatile leader is able to balance both the directive and supportive leadership style as well as the strategic and operational leadership style. Therefore, it is also proven that versatile leaders are more effective leaders. We develop leaders' versatility so they can act more balanced and effective in their leadership role.

Analysis of the manager's leadership styles

Leaders are not only challenged by their development points. Sometimes strengths become weaknesses when they are overstated. The too little/too much scale tells leaders when they've crossed that line. It also tells leaders what they're doing right - and what they need to improve to become better leaders. You therefore get direct feedback on the following four areas of a manager's leadership style:

  • Governing leadership style: The leader must be able to step in and take charge, provide the necessary feedback, and hold people accountable when needed.
  • Supportive leadership style: At the same time, the leader must be able to withdraw and show trust, empower and create opportunities for others to contribute where the solution does not appear quickly.
  • Strategic management style: The leader must be able to prepare the organization for the future by setting direction, supporting innovative solutions and creating long-term growth.
  • Operational management style: At the same time, the manager must also have order in processes and organization and be able to keep focus on the short-term results that are created in everyday life through execution and efficient workflows.

Companies that have taken the LEAD certification

Fill out the form below to receive detailed information about the course

How LVI-360 creates value for our customers

LEAD has helped GroupM with tailor-made leadership development courses at all management levels. As part of the collaboration, the directors have been evaluated with the leadership development tool LVI.

GroupM Nordix

"We use the LVI as a tool for leadership development for our directors because it both looks at how behavior is perceived in the organization and provides an opportunity to discuss how our leaders think about leadership. LVI offers a different kind of 360-degree feedback than we've seen in the past because it focuses on both what the leader does and how they do it. And the Goldilocks scale of "too much, too little or just right" helps clarify whether the leader is filling their leadership space in the specific organizational context. Our experience with the LVI is that it both gives rise to reflection on thought patterns and "ideas about leadership" and provides concrete actions that can be implemented immediately, and the combination of the two dimensions provides a strong starting point for further leadership development and dialog."


LEAD has a regular collaboration with Flügger, who use LVI-360 as a regular part of their sparring between managers and HR

"LVI-360 creates visible value for Flügger by making our managers aware of what they do well, what they need to do more of, and what they need to do less of to be more effective. In particular, the understanding that overplayed strengths actually become a weakness helps to increase the effectiveness of leaders in the organization. It is an easy-to-use development tool that has made a difference not only for the individual manager, but also for HR and employees by contributing a common management language based on the simple and concrete management model that forms the basis of the 360 measurement. The managers go directly out and practice changing behavior - and our experience is that LVI-360 improves the quality of the sparring between managers and HR."

Meet your trainer

Maja Nyboe Bjerrehus has a background as Cand.merc.(psych) and is chief consultant at LEAD.

Maja is a highly experienced consultant with strong competencies in leadership and organizational development, with several years of experience in end-to-end development and execution of leadership development and change processes. Maja's focus is always based on the strengths and potentials of the individual leader, the team and the organization. As a trained teacher and coach, Maja has developed many leaders for better and more effective leadership, with a particular focus on creating balanced leadership in a reflective practice. 

Maja is the lead specialist in the Leadership Versatile Index - a 360-degree leadership assessment that maps the leader's balances as well as imbalances in leadership styles and develops the leader's (and the organization's) mindset around leadership in the specific context in which the leader must succeed. Maja draws on business psychology practice, philosophy and pragmatics when she develops leaders and organizations for an increased balance with greater impact and effectiveness in leadership.

Maja is also known for creating trusting relationships with business partners and is committed to bringing her practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge to bear on strategic needs and concrete practice - with great empathy, impact and curiosity.

LEAD employees - Lukas and Jeff, Certification in LVI, Project Manager Training

Sign up for the training here

Fill out the form below and our advisors, Jeff and Lukas, will take care of your enrollment in the program. 

Of course, they are also available to answer any further questions you may have. 

Read one of our articles on versatile leadership

You can sign up for one of our seminars or webinars where we present the latest research in leadership and organizational development.

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