Mickey Klysner Riis

Senior Consultant

E-mail: mr@lead.eu

Phone: 41 44 48 32

Employee in LEAD, Mickey Klysner Riis, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Mickey Klysner Riis

Mickey helps leaders, teams and organizations to create healthy development and high psychological safety in work environments. His focus areas also include ensuring effective collaboration and implementation.


Through strategic initiatives, training, long-term development and coaching, Mickey equips organizations and leaders to create a sustainable work environment that supports well-being and high performance.


He specializes in psychological work environment, well-being, cultural development, implementation and change management. He has a special focus on people's needs and well-being during periods of change.


Through more than eight years of experience in teaching, process facilitation and leadership, Mickey has developed strong skills that he now uses in his teaching. He has also honed his skills in process facilitation and leadership.

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Mickey is a regular teacher in the following of our programs

Meet the Business Psychologist Mickey Klysner Riis...

... who talks about what exactly he is passionate about in his job as a management consultant at LEAD.

"In working with you, I act as a magnifying glass.
A magnifying glass that magnifies your potentials and talents
so that you can then set them free in your work."

- Quote by Mickey

Work experience

Management Consultant in LEAD - enter next level (2021 - )

Lead Psychologist in the Horizon Center in Faros (2020)

Management Consultant Internship at LEAD - enter next level (2 months in 2019)

Industrial psychology consultant in IMPAQ (2019)

Industrial psychologist trainee at IMPAQ (2018)

Student Assistant at Center for Family Development (2015 - 2018)

Facilitator and Speaker at the Global Leadership Summit (2015 - )

Leader and leadership team member in youth associations (2010 - 2018)


Organizational development:

  • Psychological work environment and well-being - prevention and management well-being, sick leave and conflicts and crises
  • Learning culture characterized by growth mindset, psychological safety and good feedback and learning structures
  • Implementation and change management - with a special focus on people's needs and well-being during periods of major change
  • Leadership talent training: developing, connecting and retaining leadership talent

Team and leadership development with a focus on:

  • Psychological safety
  • Effective teams and leadership groups
  • Learning culture - a place where we learn, perform and thrive at the same time
  • The good and healthy level of conflict: Task vs. personal conflict
  • Powerful meetings

Individual leadership development:

  • Leader Versatility (LVI) - including situational leadership
  • Leadership transitions - Leadership Pipeline
  • Personal leadership - values, vision and personal development

Keynotes and presentations:

  • People's well-being in times of change
  • Learning culture that promotes well-being and performance
  • Feedback culture and best practices - the path to development and learning
  • Effective leadership groups and teams - one of the most important communities at work
  • Managing mental health and well-being - the foundation for high performance.
  • Stress: Prevention and management
  • Effective meetings - why should we waste so much time on bad meetings
  • Implementation and change management
    • Implementation from start to finish
    • 4 approaches to implementation 
    • Take the temperature of your implementation and change process 


In the videos on this page, we have gathered a few examples of Mickey's work with models such as the 5R model, the SCARF model and our services within the healthy mental work environment.


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast


On October 1 in Copenhagen and October 2 in Aarhus, Denmark, we will host a Masterclass in AI management.

Learn more:

  • Tools for generative AI
  • Opportunities and dilemmas
  • Best practice examples
By attending our Masterclass, you have the opportunity to get a discount if you subsequently join our AI and Digitalization Leadership Network.
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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