Process consultant training

With a diplomaconsultant education, you can lead changes, processes and meetings in an organization through facilitation. Often, the process consultant acts as a sparring partner for an organization's management and management when new initiatives are to be developed and implemented.

Your outcome of the process consultant training

With a prprocess consultant training, you get the the right and relevant tools to develop initiatives that help bring about change in everyday life. You will be trained by experienced and skilled process consultants who have worked theoretically and practically with process consulting for decades.

Basic process consultant training

Why you should choose LEAD's process consultant training

You'll learn the latest and greatest methods from our research, books and experience as process consultants.

1. integration between top-down and bottom-up processes

You'll learn how to design change, develop competencies and influence behavior by integrating ongoing top-down framing (i.e. top management goals, framing and ongoing involvement) with bottom-up involvement of stakeholders at all levels to provide real agency.

2. integration between the role of expert and process consultant

You will learn methods that integrate the expert approach with the process approach so that implementation and change is BOTH inclusive, creates meaning and common goals, strengthens relationships, enhances competencies AND creates concrete operational results and anchoring in the organization's structure.

3. integration between development projects and operations

Instead of working with your development projects or implementation (e.g. digitalization) in course rooms disconnected from operations, you will learn how to make your development and implementation an integrated part of operations. And on the CommunicationsConsultant programme , we use the same method, where the tasks of the programme are integrated into your everyday life.

Employees from LEAD, process consultant training, Certification in LVI

Participant profile for the process consultant education

The Process Consultant program is designed for those who work with development, implementation and management of change.

Participants typically hold positions such as development consultant, senior consultant, process consultant, HR consultant, HR partner, HR manager, department manager and project manager. If you are an independent consultant, you will also benefit greatly from investing in the training.

That's what our participants say:

Your qualifications after the process consultant education

Personal qualifications:

  •  Clarify the organization's real issues
  • Create a design that matches the problem
  • Read a room and facilitate effectively
  • Communicate the right messages that create engagement and followership
  • Be more confident in your role as a process manager
  • Integrate top-down and bottom-up processes
  • Design and implement engaging and varied ways of working
  • Increase speed by using behavioral design
  • Develop and implement in an agile way - adapting as the situation changes.

Extra for your organization:

  • Projects that get to the finish line faster and more accurately
  • Increase success rate and quality
  • Organizational change persists when you withdraw from the project
  • Active participation across silos
  • Better internal metrics for the long term 
  • Two-sided results that integrate the "hard" side of the organization (impact, performance management, structure, etc.) with the process consultant's focus on the "soft" side of the organization (relationships, meaning, motivation and competencies, etc.)
  • Learning that takes place in operations, where managers and employees learn new skills, new behaviors and new ways of thinking.

Navigation in 2024 requirements and terms:

  • Increasing time and resource pressures: Deliver more and faster for less.
  • Increased speed at all levels: Methods that match the organization creating shorter, iterative processes.
  • Change and process fatigue: Over the past 10 years, most employees and managers have experienced a myriad of reorganizations, mergers and leadership changes.
  • Digitalization, e-learning, virtual learning spaces and social media in development projects.

Structure and price of the process consultant programme

Together with hundreds of practice experts, we have analyzed lessons learned about the principles and building blocks of the most successful changes. We compared this to the latest research on successful implementation, change management, process consulting and organizational learning. To this we have added our research-based models.

The process consultant training costs:

49.900,- (excl. VAT) excl. certifications

60.900,- (excl. VAT) incl. certification in LVI-360 and Effect profile

We recommend buying the diplomaconsultant training with certifications, as it allows you to use the tools in your daily practice. We use these tools ourselves in virtually all contexts, as we can document better results.



(basic module)

  • Process approach vs. expert approach

  • The consultative space - basic approaches to development and process consultation

  • The strategic position: Create actionable opportunities that realize the organization's strategy

  • The OD position: Use shared learning as a lever for development

  • Gamemastery - The ability to engage in and simultaneously change communicative patterns

  • Speaking and listening positions



(basic module)

  • 1-1 conversations - becoming an excellent sparring partner and mastering professional conversations

  • The systemic position: Create positive change by developing relationships and behaviors

  • The appreciative stance: Create development by connecting current practices with dreams and visions. 

  • Team coaching tools: Structured dialog and bridging tools

  • Workshop design - how to create inspiring and effective workshops 



  • Needs assessment and goal setting

  • Clarification meeting and clarification processes

  • Training on your own cases

  • Basic principles in designing and organizing effective change and development processes



  • Group facilitation - methods, tools, body language and impact

  • Team development - models and approaches for both physical and virtual facilitation

  • Change communication and personal impact

  • Training on your own cases



  • Action Learning Consulting - systematic learning processes that develop both employee and organization

  • Support and sustained motivation for the task

  • Implementation manager and consultant toolbox, coaching, supervision and sparring



  • Different types of implementation management defined by task and context

  • Agile implementation approach to implementation learning

  • Change management training through simulator

Training dates 2024


The process consultant training runs over 12 days and is divided into six modules and is held on the dates below at Overgaden Oven Vande 10, 3rd floor, 1415 Copenhagen K

We meet from 09:00-16:00 on the dates below:


The process consultant training runs over 12 days and is divided into six modules and is held on the dates below at Vestergade 43, 8000 Aarhus

Ve meet at 09:00-16:00 on the dates below:

Class 22 - Copenhagen
September 18 and 19, 2024
October 30 and 31, 2024
November 20 and 21, 2024
January 6 and 7, 2025
February 3 and 4, 2025
March 10 and 11, 2025

Class 21 - Aarhus
September 24 and 25, 2024
October 23 and 24, 2024
November 11 and 12, 2024
December 11 and 12, 2024
January 21 and 22, 2025
February 26 and 27, 2025

Download the training material for the process consultant training

Meet the trainers

The teachers throughout the program are Maja Nyboe Bjerrehuus, Kim Martin Nielsen and Asbjørn Molly from LEAD.

Maja is a highly experienced consultant with strong competencies in leadership and organizational development, with several years of experience in end-to-end development and execution of leadership development and change processes. As a trained teacher and coach, Maja has developed many leaders for better and more effective leadership, especially with a focus on creating balanced leadership, in a reflective practice.

Kim has 22 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and coach. Kim's core competence is leadership development in relation to change, learning and quality in task performance.

Asbjørn is an external lecturer in process management and organizational change at Aalborg University, and for the past 15 years he has worked with development and research in leadership development and organizational learning, partly at the university and partly in various consultancies.

Woven into the program are presentations from other consultants and researchers at LEAD who have written the books and developed the models that you are taught. For example, you will be able to meet Rasmus Thy Grøn, Rikke Lindekilde, Andreas Fricke Møller and Torsten Conrad Torsten Conrad

Sign up for the training here

Fill out the form below and our advisors, Jeff and Lukas, will take care of your enrollment in the program. 

Of course, they are also available to answer any further questions you may have. 

Jeff Bøgeholt 

Lukas Hjuler Hansen

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