Rasmus Rauch Jensen

Project consultant

Email: rrj@lead.eu

Employee in LEAD - Rasmus Rauch Jensen

Rasmus Rauch Jensen

Rasmus Rauch Jensen is a sociology student at the University of Copenhagen and works alongside his studies as a project consultant in LEAD - enter next level. Rasmus is anchored in the leadership development area, where he supports the area's consultants in their daily work. In addition, Rasmus also assists in the testing area, where he helps to ensure that the administrative processes run smoothly.

As a sociology student at the University of Copenhagen, Rasmus acquires a broad theoretical knowledge of sociology and has strong skills in qualitative and quantitative social science methods. Knowledge and skills that he brings into play in his assignments in LEAD - enter next level.

In his studies, Rasmus is particularly interested in how the green transition affects people and organizations' relationships. Rasmus also engages in the green transition through civil society, where he has experience in planning and running major events. At the same time, as a student counselor at the University of Copenhagen, he has gained experience in communication and personal conversations. These are also experiences Rasmus brings with him in his work at LEAD.

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