Team organization

What is team organization?

In organizations, a team consists of a group of employees or managers who work together on a common task. As a team, they work together and depend on each other to complete the task. Their skills complement and overlap to some extent. 

The term team organization refers to a public organization or private company organizing itself primarily in teams.  

A key issue in team organization is how much influence and autonomy the team and its members have. Some teams are responsible for limited areas of work, while others decide who does what, when and how. 

Why good team organization is important

Good team organization plays a key role for several reasons. First and foremost, it contributes to the overall efficiency of the organization. When the team is well-organized with clear tasks and responsibilities, work processes are more streamlined and goals are easier to achieve.

Furthermore, good team organization allows management to focus on core tasks and strategic goals. This ensures that resources are used efficiently and not wasted on unnecessary tasks or duplication.

Employee motivation is also crucial. When they feel that their work is well-structured and meaningful, they are more engaged and dedicated. This creates a positive work culture and increases productivity.

Good team organization also helps with conflict management. A clear structure and division of roles makes it easier to identify and resolve conflicts effectively.

Last but not least, well-structured teams foster innovation. When employees work together in a well-functioning structure, they can generate and implement innovative ideas, which is crucial for organizational growth and competitiveness. In this way, good team organization is a key resource for management that wants to achieve organizational success and long-term sustainability.

Team organization and leadership development

The role and function of the manager inevitably changes significantly when an organization becomes more team-based. In a traditional leadership role, the manager controls and delegates tasks. In contrast, the team leader acts more like a coach, focusing on developing and engaging employees.  

In a team-organized function, the manager takes on a more supportive rather than delegating role. On an individual level, this means that the manager guides and inspires employees and supports their individual development. At the team level, the manager elevates the team's ability to collaborate and perform, while making it clear how the team contributes to the organization's goals and strategy. 

The role of a team leader or manager in a team-based organization isn't necessarily more difficult than more traditional management. But it is different and requires different skills. For example, the leader must be prepared to relinquish control and have stronger communication skills. You could say that communication replaces control in the leadership role.  

LEAD's approach to team organization

We see more and more organizations organizing their employees into teams and giving these teams more autonomy and empowerment. Some of the factors that play a role in whether or not you succeed with team organization - and that we can help you with - are 

  1. Managers are crucial because they have a huge impact on employees' perception of role clarity, social support and involvement. As a result, managers also play an important role in employee well-being and job satisfaction. We spar with, advise and train your managers. 
  2. The employees and managers who are part of the team organization must be positive about organizing themselves differently. Otherwise, the change may be met with resistance. We design the process and help with implementation.  
  3. The process of introducing team organizing - including communication to understand the need - has a big impact on the success of team organizing. We equip your managers for the task.  

If you need help with team organization, you are always welcome to contact us to learn more about how we can work together. 

How we can help you

We offer you management and organizational sparring, research-based training and presentations on team organization as well as training courses with a specific focus on giving you and your organization general management skills. Read examples of our services here.


Inspiring research-based presentations on team organization for all levels of your organization.


Sparring in the development of your strategy, decisions and initiatives.


Facilitation of active workshops focusing on competence development at management and executive level.

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a cultural development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional Director, Founder
Cand.Psych.Aut. & Ph.d.
Associate Professor in Management and Organizational Psychology, Aalborg University

Mobile: +45 26 14 51 57

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