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Leadership in the digital jungle

Many managers struggle with the management of digitalization. They see it as a technical discipline that is poorly connected to their day-to-day professional management.

With the book "Leadership in the Digital Jungle", Per Eeg wants to help these leaders move forward - and guide them to find their own way through the digital jungle of opportunities and challenges.

The book is especially aimed at managers in the public sector who are looking for an accessible and understandable handbook to help them manage digitalization.
You may experience uncertainty as you move into the digital jungle. This could be due to a lack of knowledge or a misunderstood and difficult technical language that monopolizes knowledge in the IT department and at the supplier.

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Anyone home in the strategy house?

How do the four core concepts of mission, vision, values and strategies become real and visibly linked navigation tools for your organization - rather than just airy management lingo on coffee cups and websites?

There has been no Danish book that answers this question - until now.

In this book, management consultant Christian Nyvang Qvick presents the 'strategy house'. It is a simple and systematic method for working coherently with mission, vision, values and strategies.

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Hybrid ways of working

These are exciting and challenging times for organizations. Fundamental questions about how we design our everyday and working lives are being asked by both managers and employees. This applies to key themes such as individual freedom, autonomy, productivity, flexibility, community, well-being, health and the understanding of 'a job'. Hybrid Work presents key challenges and offers concrete suggestions on how to best manage hybrid and distributed workforces.

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Organizational leadership

Team-based organizations in practice

In "Teambased organizations in practice", Thorkil Molly Søholm explains theoretically, methodically and through illustrative cases how teams develop, how managers can best work with active team management and team coaching.

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Organizational development

Team - development and learning

Teamwork is the attempt by organizations to strengthen the development of professional and personal potentials and competencies. The book aims to answer how team development and learning can be successful, such as whether sport is an appropriate metaphor to promote team development and learning and understanding of collaboration, and whether teams in the workplace can create new narratives about how employees view collaboration and mutual development.

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Systemic leadership

"Systemic Leadership - Theory and Practice" consists of four main parts that provide a thorough and nuanced introduction to systemic leadership with both theoretical and practical perspectives. The four parts cover: The theoretical basis of systemic leadership, Leading through language, Managing organizational processes and Branching out into the systemic landscape.

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Organizational development

The New Synthesis for Public Value Creation

How can politicians, managers and employees in the public sector continue to deliver the same or better public welfare in a time of fewer resources, increasing demands and complexity? This book explores how everyone working in the public sector can address some of the challenges facing the public sector.

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Process consulting

Action Learning Consulting

Action Learning Consulting (ALC) is a consultative approach that integrates organizational learning and results-oriented change projects.ALC (Action Learning Consulting) is a consultative approach that seeks to create organizational results while developing the skills needed to create the results.

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Process consulting

The professional process consultant

Process consulting is in high demand in many public and private organizations when the goal is participatory organizational development with impact. This book opens up the process consultant's toolbox - and the theory behind it! The authors present the field of process consulting and describe how to professionally contribute to the solution of organizational challenges.

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The manager as a team coach

The Leader as Team Coach provides you with a wide range of tools that will better equip you to coach groups of individuals. The book introduces you to the leadership positions you can most advantageously take in different situations in relation to teams: When do I work as a coach? When as a manager?

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Leadership coaching

How is coaching used in leadership contexts? How do I coach as a leader? When I sit in the classroom and practice questioning techniques, it works fine, but when I use it at home in my organization, it doesn't work at all. For coaching to work as a management tool, it must be adapted to the rules of the game that apply to the work context - that is the starting point for this book.

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Paradox Management - The search for value in complexity

Paradoxes are everywhere in organization and leadership. You may experience them as tensions between elements that are both connected and contradictory, such as between work and life. This book is an introduction to paradox management as a special perspective on organization and leadership.

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Power in organizations

Power in organizations is an explosive topic, but also a blurry and difficult phenomenon to grasp. On the one hand, power is an organizational condition, on the other hand, it is a taboo. We rarely call power by name, but often refer to it by other terms such as influence, responsibility, co-determination and control. Power is usually perceived as something negative, almost reprehensible. But why is this the case?

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Management psychology

Management psychology

The concrete challenges organizations face in an increasingly globalized, hyper-complex and diverse world call for new understandings of leadership. The ambition of this introduction to leadership psychology is to create an understanding of leadership as a social phenomenon in organizations. The authors' proposal for a contemporary management psychology is concerned with management as tasks and processes that are carried out by a variety of people in the organization - with and without formal management responsibility.

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Management psychology

Pattern breakers and mindset

How can you help young people break bad patterns, change their mindset - and become pattern breakers? That's what this book is about. For vulnerable young people, everyday life and schooling is a battle that is hard to win. Teachers' work with this special group is difficult and requires a lot of pedagogical resources and the courage to think about demands and opportunities in new ways.

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Effective management teams
Effective management teams

Effective Leadership Teams

A groundbreaking collaboration between leading researchers and practitioners from Norway and Denmark has examined effective leadership teams from a Leadership Pipeline perspective (i.e. at different levels of leadership) and synthesized the best grounded and most practical knowledge from the last forty years of research on leadership teams and decision-making teams. The results are collected in this book, which shows, among other things, that the discipline of setting, running and developing effective leadership teams requires three things.

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Beech, leadership pipeline
Organizational development

Leadership Pipeline in the public sector

The book is based on a three-year Danish, practice-oriented research project with the participation of 15 public organizations broadly represented by the municipalities, regions and the state. The project has further developed one of the most influential leadership theories of the last 10 years in the largest private organizations, Leadership Pipeline, and has targeted and adapted it to the Danish public sector.

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Distributed leadership in the public sector

The book shows how distributed leadership can contribute to value creation in public organizations for the benefit of citizens and society. It highlights a number of points of attention that managers and employees can keep in mind when working with this form of leadership.

The book is based on a solid foundation of research, personal experience and plenty of concrete examples from Danish public organizations, and it equips managers and employees to succeed with an aligned sharing of management tasks.

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magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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