Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard

Senior Consultant
MSc Anth., PhD.


Phone: 27 62 24 62

Image of LEAD employee - Marianne Hedegaard

Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard

Marianne holds a degree in anthropology and a PhD from the University of Copenhagen. She specializes in cultural and organizational development and helps create inclusive workplaces through leadership development, analysis, DEI courses and teaching as well as strategic user involvement. Marianne has a systemic approach to working with organizations and leadership, which is based on the complex and concrete everyday lives of employees and leaders, people's ways of creating meaning and the social dynamics, norms and cultural logics that help shape the organization and affect well-being, collaboration and the way they solve tasks.

Marianne has ten years of experience in the field of cultural analysis and ethnographic working methods, including interview techniques, fieldwork, focus groups and observational studies, and her work is driven by the desire to create practice-oriented analyses and development processes that are closely linked to the specific reality of organizations and workplaces.

In addition to her work at LEAD, Marianne is affiliated with Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen as an external lecturer. Here she teaches qualitative methods, cultural and social theory and anthropological analysis and draws inspiration from new research into her work at LEAD.

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Selected publications

A Prayer for the Body: When Employees Notice with Mindfulness Meditation. Journal of Anthropology 2021

Mindful Work. An Ethnography of Mindfulness and the Sociality of feeling in Danish Workplaces. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen 2020

The Mindful Gardener and the Good Employee: Mindfulness Practice and Affective Labor in Danish Workplaces. University of Hawaii Press 2020

Short, collective fieldwork on a large scale. Journal of Anthropology 2017


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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