Maja Nyboe Bjerrehuus

Senior Consultant


Phone: 28 34 19 65

Maja Nyboe Bjerrehus

Maja is a highly experienced consultant with strong competencies in leadership and organizational development, with several years of experience in end-to-end development and execution of leadership development and change processes. Maja's focus is always based on the strengths and potentials of the individual leader, the team and the organization. As a trained teacher and coach, Maja has developed many leaders for better and more effective leadership, with a particular focus on creating balanced leadership in a reflective practice. Maja is the lead specialist in the Leadership Versatile Index - a 360-degree leadership evaluation that maps the leader's balances as well as imbalances in leadership styles and develops the leader's (and the organization's) mindset about leadership in the specific context in which the leader must succeed. Maja draws on business psychology practice, philosophy and pragmatics when she develops leaders and organizations for an increased balance with greater impact and effectiveness in leadership.

Maja is also known for creating trusting relationships with business partners and is committed to bringing her practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge to bear on strategic needs and concrete practice - with great empathy, impact and curiosity.

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Selected publications

"Can we measure culture?", 2019, LEAD

"Agile organizations need HR", 2019, LEAD

"The flip side of trust is responsibility" HR Manager 2019

"Agile organizations need HR" HR Manager 2019 

"Profile tools in talent development" Danish Psychological Journal 2019 

"Leadership should be at the top of the agenda" Karnov 2022 

"If the world is not divided into subjects, why should primary school be?" Danish Psychological Journal 2022


academikernes a kasse

"Developing collaboration in the board Akademikernes A-kasse experienced a high level of professionalism and empathy when we worked with LEAD. The consultants tailored a session for the unemployment insurance fund's board, where they managed to hit the mark based on just a single pre-meeting in relation to the requested content. Akademikernes A-kasse can therefore highly recommend LEAD to other organizations that need a professional sparring partner to develop the interaction in a board that dares to challenge habitual thinking and offers a helicopter perspective that provides food for thought and further work in the organization."

Byggeri københavn (KEJD): "Maja has been a valuable sparring partner with a high level of professionalism that has been of great value to me in my leadership and created visible results for me and my employees. In particular, Maja's ability to understand complex matters and understand Copenhagen Real Estate and Procurement as an organization, seen in relation to the context of the City of Copenhagen, has meant that Maja has been able to inspire and develop us as a team and me as a leader."

Developing the basis for collaboration in the specialist group: In 2017, Maja conducted a tailor-made development program for our unit with the aim of developing our collaboration and communication. The course helped us to create our own solid basis for collaboration and launch a number of initiatives that have strengthened our internal communication and coordination, which has meant that we are more successful in our core task while at the same time improving our well-being. We have experienced Maja as an attentive facilitator with a fine and very straightforward personal contact with all participants in our process. Maja has a great theoretical and practical knowledge of group dynamics, collaboration and communication, and I highly recommend others to use Maja to develop their team and organization.

Training of the Danish National Social Appeals Board's deputy managers in change management Maja had developed a really good program for our deputy managers that was well organized and professionally facilitated with high quality and presence.

Greater customer references

Odense University Hospital

Work experience

Senior Consultant in LEAD (2021 - )

Senior Management Consultant, Implement Consulting Group (2020) 

Senior Consultant in LEAD (2018 - 2020)

HR consultant at the Confederation of Danish Employers (2016 - 2018) 

Management consultant at MAUL A/S (2015 - 2016)

Owner and business psychology consultant at MB Consult (2014 - 2016)


LVI - Leader Versatility Index

Leadership development

Coaching and supervision

The personal leadership

Developing leadership teams

Resilience in organizations and leaders

Wellbeing and conflict resolution


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast


On October 1 in Copenhagen and October 2 in Aarhus, Denmark, we will host a Masterclass in AI management.

Learn more:

  • Tools for generative AI
  • Opportunities and dilemmas
  • Best practice examples
By attending our Masterclass, you have the opportunity to get a discount if you subsequently join our AI and Digitalization Leadership Network.
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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