Laust Søndertoft Pedersen

Senior Consultant
MSc Psychology, Industrial PhD Fellow


Phone: 27 64 38 06

Employee in LEAD - Laust Søndertoft, organizational forms

Laust Søndertoft Pedersen

Laust works with leadership and organizational development in private and public organizations. He has a background as a business psychologist, where he has experience as an internal and external consultant at all organizational levels.

Laust typically works with large-scale leadership development programmes where leaders are supported in realizing strategic objectives. Laust has designed and facilitated development programmes for leaders to succeed with agile transformations, strengthen customer focus and collaborative cultures, or support the organization's intention to become more purpose-driven and sustainable.

Laust is a business PhD fellow at Aalborg University. He researches how new agile organizational forms in the financial sector affect motivation, well-being and performance, and what it takes to make new and more traditional organizational forms coexist optimally.  

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Selected publications

Leadership development at stake 2019, Leadership Today

How to play your way to better leadership behavior 2019, Børsen Ledelse


Work experience

Senior Consultant, LEAD (2022 - )

Senior Development Consultant, DSB (2021-2022) 

Management Development Consultant, Nuuday (TDC) (2020-2021)

Learning Specialist, Learningbank (2019-2020)

Management Consultant, LEAD (2016-2019)

Recruitment Consultant, Novo Nordisk. (2016-2017)


Agile organization, management and working methods

Motivation and psychological safety

Team and leadership development

Distributed leadership

Purpose-driven management

Cross-functional leadership and collaboration

Diversity and inclusion

Coaching and supervision


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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