Kristian Dahl

Business Director and Founder


Phone: 28 74 22 20

Employee in LEAD - Kristian Dahl, Public recruitment

Kristian Dahl

Kristian Dahl is one of the country's leading business psychologists and works with strategic development projects for a wide range of prominent private and public organizations. 

He is a sought-after sparring partner for executive boards and HR departments when leadership, talent and organizational development with impact is on the agenda. Kristian also has extensive experience in designing and implementing development programs that create well-functioning leadership chains through the Leadership Pipeline.


Kristian has a special focus on leading digital transformation in the public sector. He is currently working on a number of projects where he works with leading researchers and top public sector leaders to develop new approaches to make digital work for the welfare society.


As a researcher, Kristian is known for developing the Leadership Pipeline theory in the public sector together with Thor Molly-Søholm. In his research, Kristian also focuses on how organizations can create the best possible development of talents and leaders. Kristian is a committed and sought-after speaker when communicating research on these topics.


In collaboration with Canadian top researcher Jocelyne Bourgon, Kristian has published the book "The New Synthesis for Public Value Creation. The focal point of this project is the question: "How do we manage the public sector so that we can continue to deliver the same or better welfare in a time of fewer resources, increasing demands and increased complexity?" 


The research project was initiated by Jocelyne Bourgon in 2006 and has so far involved over 200 senior executives, politicians and researchers from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, England, Brazil, Singapore and New Zealand.


Kristian is co-founder of LEAD with Thor Molly-Søholm.

Get in touch with Kristian

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Selected publications

"Femfaktorconsulting", 2018, Business Psychology


"That's what your management is talking about: New synthesis gaining ground in municipalities", 2017, Offentlig Ledelse


"The Professional Process Consultant", 2013, Studenterforlaget (Sweden)


"Leadership Pipeline in the public sector", 2012 Dansk Psykologisk forlag


"The professional process consultant", 2010, Hans Reitzels Forlag


"Management-based coaching", 2006, Børsen


"Teambased organizations in practice", 2005, Dansk Psykologisk Forlag


Plus a wide range of articles on leadership and organizational development


"A BIG thank you for a course that has offered relevant themes in the field of leadership, which has challenged and further developed my leadership for the benefit of the core task. Great recognition to the competent LEAD people for inspiring input on leadership in complexity, and not least for super good leadership of the course to Kristian Aagaard Dahl. Last but not least, my management network has been expanded and enriched!"


- Gitte Clausen, Department Manager at Hjørring Municipality

Work experience

Partner in LEAD - enter next level (2013 - )

Self-employed occupational psychologist (2013)

Associate Professor, Management Psychology at Aalborg University (2012 - )

Professor MSO at Aalborg University (March 2010 - 2012)

Senior Consultant, Partner at Udviklingskonsulenterne A/S (2007 - 2012)

Head of Development Consultants' Research Unit A/S (2009 - 2012)

Authorized psychologist by the Danish Board of Psychology (2009)

Appointed Censor, Board of Examiners in Psychology (2006 - )

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Aarhus University (2004 - 2007)

PhD Fellow, Department of Psychology, Aarhus University (2000 - 2004)

Cand. Psych. Aarhus University (2000)

Visiting Professor, University of Technology, Sydney (2001 - 2002)

Certification, People Tools personal profile (2008); NEO-PI-R certification (2012)

Dynamic executive coaching training with Patricia Coughlin Delle Selva (2009-2010)



Effective Leadership Teams

Leadership team development

Leadership Pipeline

Change management and organizational learning

Cross-border management and relational coordination

Motivation and self-management

Digital transformation

Innovation psychology

Organizational development

Developing personal leadership


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast


We're hosting a conference on the attractive workplace on May 21 in Aarhus and May 24 in Copenhagen.

Learn more:

  • The holistic model
  • The innovative workplace
  • Areas of focus
  • Best practice examples