Anne Kirstine Bach Kristensen

Management consultant


Phone: +45 40 50 24 43

Employee in LEAD - Anne Kirstine

Anne Kirstine Bach Kristensen

Anne Kirstine is a psychologist and management consultant at LEAD - enter next level, where she works with management and organizational development with a special focus on improving the psychological work environment. She does this across sectors and industries.

Through teaching, facilitation, consulting and individual coaching, Anne Kirstine works with how employees, managers, teams and organizations can build a stronger collaborative culture characterized by high psychological safety, feedback and learning. In this context, Anne Kirstine always focuses on how this work contributes to higher well-being, motivation, efficiency and better results and supports attraction and attachment to the workplace for the benefit of both the individual and the organization.


In addition, Anne Kirstine also has experience with processes where managers and organizations systematically work with identifying, managing and preventing stress and dissatisfaction.


As a management consultant, Anne Kirstine's responsibilities include


  • Presentations and workshops with a focus on inspiring, motivating and supporting teams, units and organizations in their development process, based on an interaction between the latest knowledge in the field, experience sharing, discussions and concrete tools 
  • Individual coaching sessions focusing on personal leadership, leadership influence and leadership development
  • Teaching and project management on several major leadership development programs including FLIPA (Voluntary Leadership Training in the Psychological Working Environment), FUPA (The Joint Training in the Psychological Working Environment), and the Training in Management of the Psychological Working Environment for municipal managers.
  • Development of intervention packages and tools to support managers and organizations in their work with leadership development and strengthening the psychological work environment.


Furthermore, Anne Kirstine project manages the internal professional area Psychological Work Environment and Well-being, and is on her way to obtaining her license as a psychologist.

Get contacted by Anne Kirstine

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Work experience

Management Consultant in LEAD - enter next level (2023 - )
Project consultant in LEAD - enter next level (2020 - 2023)
Psykologhuset Park Allé (2018 - 2020)


Podcast, Distributed leadership, Kim Martin Nielsen
Leadership development

Distributed leadership

An expert panel of two consultants and a school principal delves into the importance and value of distributed leadership. What do you need to pay special attention to? When will it go wrong if you're not? What are the first steps to getting started with distributed leadership?

Listen to the podcast
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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