E-book: Talent development that works

By Ole Mathorne & Rasmus Engelbrecht
Talent development that works, talent, development, talent development, attraction, attract, attract, connect, connect

Talent development that works

From star individuals to strong environments

The need for talent development that works is high in public organizations and private companies. And the need is growing. One of the reasons for this is the workforce challenge, which means that we will be short of 90,000 people in the Danish labor market by 2030. It's a problem that many are already feeling the consequences of today.

Jobs are posted, but qualified applicants are few and far between. Great employees are retiring and it's hard to replace them. Pressure from other organizations grows as they contact your best employees and managers with unsolicited job offers. And the private sector misses out on triple-digit billions of dollars annually because they are short of employees and therefore have to turn down jobs.

But what can you do to solve the problem?

One obvious opportunity is to develop your own talent. That's why we've written a new book on talent development that works. You can download it right here:

The cycle model

The book introduces you to a new approach to talent development with four steps that work. The four steps are visually presented in the LEAD cycle model.

What usually goes wrong in talent development is jumping straight to choosing tools and designing talent programs. But without clarifying talent understanding and formulating talent strategy, the programs will not create value for the organization; they may be exciting and entertaining, but ultimately they won't make a noticeable difference.

This book will help you:

  • Clarifying your understanding of talent
  • Formulating your talent strategy
  • Choosing the tools and methods that create value for the organization
  • Designing talent programs.

Through four case chapters you can also learn how:

  • Gladsaxe Municipality sees talent development as a shared responsibility for the entire public sector
  • The Tax Agency uses talent development as part of their desire to become one of Denmark's best workplaces
  • PFA is committed to developing their talented specialists
  • The Defense Command Operations Cabinet takes an unusual approach to talent development.

At the end of the book, we summarize our recommendations on how to make talent development work.

Fill out the form below and receive an email with a link to the e-book and download. 

Good lighting conditions.

About the authors of the book

Ole holds a PhD in talent development from the University of Southern Denmark and works as a senior consultant at LEAD. Ole has been working with talent development for more than ten years, especially in the research world, where he sees great untapped potential in strengthening research management and thinking of talent development as a strategic management discipline.

Rasmus is educated cand.mag. in learning and change processes and is also a trained officer from the Danish Emergency Management Agency. Rasmus is a partner in LEAD and has for more than 20 years worked with leadership, consulting and training, both as a manager and consultant. Especially talent development of managers, specialists and project managers is a big part of Rasmus' work.

LEAD Publishing

LEAD Publishing is a trade publishing company that belongs to the consulting company LEAD
- enter next level. At the publishing house, we publish specialist literature in the following areas:

  1. Leadership development,
  2. Organizational development
  3. Digitalization management
  4. Wellbeing, culture and society
  5. Strategy.

We want to help take people and organizations to the next level so they can make a difference for others and for the society we are all a part of. That's why we make our knowledge available.

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We can help with all types of leadership development, whether it's tailored development programs, courses, training, workshops, lectures or anything else. 

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