Download the book "Everyday solutions in the public recruitment crisis"

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Public recruitment

Rethink and set a new course before we disappear in the Bermuda Triangle of the welfare state

The eBook "Everyday Solutions for Public Sector Leaders" explores the challenges of recruiting and retaining employees in the public sector. The eBook introduces the concept of the "Bermuda Triangle of the welfare state" to highlight the complexity of the situation. It argues that traditional recruitment methods are no longer sufficient and instead presents "Everyday Solutions 4.0".

The e-book highlights four key areas that can be addressed to meet the challenges effectively. Firstly, it encourages leaders to focus on creating attractive workplaces by prioritizing wellbeing, leadership and a healthy work environment. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of including different professional groups and age groups to enable more people to contribute.

Digitalization and de-bureaucratization are highlighted as a key element of the solution, which can free up manpower and increase efficiency. Finally, leaders are encouraged to mobilize citizens and civil society as co-producers of welfare.

The eBook also identifies barriers such as poor leadership, sick leave and age discrimination, and calls for a holistic approach to the recruitment crisis. The eBook emphasizes the need for systemic change and political action, as well as strengthened collaboration with civil society.

Overall, the eBook not only provides an analysis of the challenges, but also presents public sector leaders with inspiring tools and strategies to guide them in creating sustainable solutions for recruiting and retaining qualified employees.

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Founder and business director

Founder and Professional Director

Senior Consultant

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