Talent development that works

Free seminar and book launch

LEAD - enter next level invites you to a free seminar and book launch of the book: Talent development that works. 

Talent development that works

From star individuals to strong environments

Too much talent development produces too few results. We want to help change that. That's why we're inviting you to two seminars on talent development and publishing a brand new book with the same name as the seminar: "Talent development that works".

The seminars take place in Copenhagen on November 4 and Aarhus on November 7 and are free to attend. As a participant, you will also receive an exclusive copy of the book "Talent development that works" signed by the authors, Ole Mathorne and Rasmus Engelbrecht.

Huge need for talented talent development

There is a huge need for talent development that works. And this applies to both public organizations and private companies. There are many reasons for this. One of the most important is the workforce challenge, which means that we will be short of 90,000 people in the Danish labor market in 2030. It's a huge problem that many organizations are already feeling the consequences of today.

With thoughtful and well-planned talent programs that are aligned with your organization's strategy, it's easier to attract and retain better leaders, specialists and project managers.

Good talent programs attract more talented employeesbecause employees get a great opportunity to develop their skills in an organization that sees and values them.

But good talent programs also attract talented employeesbecause employees can move on to new tasks, greater responsibilities and different roles. This reduces the desire to move on. With a strong talent community, you also anchor the knowledge of key employees in the organization so it doesn't disappear if they find another job.

Although the need and potential for talent development in Denmark is great, too much talent development is approached incorrectly. This is partly because talent programs are based on outdated theories and old methods.

To unlock the potential of talent programs, we have developed a new approach. It combines the latest research with LEAD's more than a decade of experience designing and implementing numerous talent programs in both the public and private sectors.

The approach is based on our cycle model:

New LEAD book:
Talent development that works

During the talent seminar, you will get insights from the brand new book "Talent development that works", written by Ole Mathorne and Rasmus Engelbrecht from LEAD, and case stories from organizations that work with talent development in practice. In addition, two workshops will give you the opportunity to try the book's methods directly on the situation and everyday life you experience in your organization.

More specifically, you'll get inspiration for:

  • Clarifying your understanding of talent
  • Formulating your talent strategy
  • Choosing the tools and methods that create value for the organization
  • Designing talent programs
  • Learning from other organizations' work with talent programs.

Practical information about the seminars

The two seminars on talent development that works take place at LEAD's offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus.

It is free of charge and all participants will receive an exclusive signed copy of the book "Talent development that works". We also offer food and drinks on both days. 


November 4, 2024, Overgaden Oven Vandet 10, 1415 Copenhagen, 12.00-16.30 (SOLD OUT)

November 7, 2024, Vestergade 43, Aarhus C, at. 12.00-16.30

Program for talent seminar in Copenhagen. November 4th

Unfortunately, registration is closed


Welcome and light lunch



Why we need a book on talent development that works and talent programs, by Ole Mathorne and Rasmus Engelbrecht, LEAD



PFA explains how they work strategically to connect and develop specialists through their specialist program



Understand talent understanding and what it means for your talent development





Sønderborg Municipality describes how they built a well-functioning talent program by first clarifying the understanding of talent



Try out tools from the book "Talent development that works" in your everyday life





Five pitfalls of talent programs and what we can learn from them, by Kristian Dahl, LEAD


Rounding up the professional content


Bubbles and book reception

Program for talent seminar in Aarhus November 7


Welcome and light lunch



Why we need a book on talent development that works and talent programs, by Ole Mathorne and Rasmus Engelbrecht, LEAD



EWII talks about their work with developing and connecting specialists



Understand talent understanding and what it means for your talent development





TalentNORD talks about their large talent program across municipalities



Try out tools from the book "Talent development that works" in your everyday life





Five pitfalls of talent programs and what we can learn from them, by Kristian Dahl, LEAD


Rounding up the professional content


Bubbles and book reception


Fill out the registration form below and select a date you want to join. 

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions about the seminar and book launch, you are more than welcome to contact our advisors, Jeff and Lukas.

Jeff Bøgeholt 

Lukas Hjuler Hansen

Courses, training & networking