E-book "Artificial Intelligence - between hallucinations and everyday practice"

Artificial intelligence, AI, e-book

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can quickly become a challenging entity to manage. What are hallucinations and what are - or rather should be - everyday practices?

In the new e-book "Artificial Intelligence - between hallucinations and everyday practice" we try to map out how artificial intelligence can become a valuable resource for administrative staff in municipalities - and not just for technology enthusiasts. It is the result of an extensive project in collaboration with the collective agreement community Fremfærd (https://vpt.dk/fremfaerd).

A practical guide to AI for administrative staff in municipalities

The e-book is not a recipe for saving billions, but a practical guide that focuses on how to get all (or most) employees on board with AI. It aims to help you as a municipal manager or employee navigate the many opportunities and challenges of AI.

The five archetypes and a solid data foundation

The e-book is based on extensive data from a survey with over 750 responses, nearly 1,000 inputs from workshops, as well as expert interviews with managers, employees, researchers and suppliers from across the country. This provides a solid base for understanding and implementing AI in the municipal context.

This has resulted in the identification of five archetypes of employees when it comes to working with artificial intelligence, which you can read about in the e-book. It also contains a number of other key points.

The key points in the book

  1. Don't assume that the broad group of employees find AI exciting. Employees come with different understandings, which calls for customized skills training and room for the excited, the worried, the pragmatic, the critical and the hesitant. 
  2. Differentiate the offerings and make sure that the competence efforts can actually help the administrative employee free up time and increase the quality of their tasks. This requires a focus on the core task and use cases, and less focus on technology.
  3. Competence development must be targeted at the core professional tasks of the employees and not least their experience of what artificial intelligence can mean for their work.
  4. 8 out of 10 employees can 't recalla successful digitalization competency program. Skills development requires management support and prioritization. Leaders need to set the direction for AI work and communicate the need for skills development to employees. 
  5. It also places demands on organization and management and creates a number of management dilemmas, such as setting direction even if you are a novice and being able to see opportunities while formulating limitations
  6. The e-book unfolds a number of leadership dilemmas. In addition, we recommend various management techniques that can be used when facing the dilemmas. Not tools that make them disappear, but tools that provide handles to deal with them.

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