The potential of new organizational forms to promote well-being

Laust Søndertoft Pedersen, organizational forms

Podcast The potential of new organizational forms to promote wellbeing. New forms of organization such as TEAL, Agile and Sociocracy are becoming more and more widespread. In this episode, we zoom in on how new ways of working and organizing can potentially be structured to improve wellbeing by, among other things, promoting employees' sense of influence, collaboration and meaning in their work. [...]

Learning culture - what do we need it for?

Employee in LEAD, Mickey Klysner Riis, Authorized Work Environment Advisor

Podcast Learning culture - what do we need it for? What is learning culture? What can it be used for? How can you develop a learning culture? We talk about all this in today's podcast, where business psychologist and chief consultant Mickey Klysner Riis shares knowledge, experiences and tools that can help you reinforce a learning culture in you, your company and your [...].

Psychological safety - what is it and how do you create it?

Podcast Psychological safety - what is it and how do you create it? Psychological safety is the shared belief among team members that interpersonal risk-taking can take place safely within the team. But what does it mean and how do you as a leader create a culture in your organization, department or team where you and your employees believe that [...].