FLONIDAN: From start-up to scale-up

By: Claus Elmholdt and Andrea Søndergaard (2019)
Things are going well and fast at FLONIDAN. The company, which sells smart gas and water meters, has grown dramatically in recent years, both in terms of turnover and employees. This has led to a need to adapt the organization and workflows to the much larger setup they now need, which is why they contacted LEAD. Together with LEAD, FLONIDAN has worked to strengthen cross-functional collaboration and improve quality, efficiency and internal communication.

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Strategic challenge: born agile - in need for a solid backbone

One of the values that has characterized FLONIDAN's workflows until now has been agility. The ability to always solve problems and find agile solutions is an essential part of the company's success. FLONIDAN is built on a core DNA of entrepreneurial spirit, agility, good problem solving and fast and flexible decision-making processes. But the company's growth has been challenged by this approach. It was time for a strategic pit-stop to create a solid backbone structure for project delivery. There was a need to develop a more professional and consistent support structure with shared goals, cross-functional coordination, structure and fixed agreements.

In workshop rather than on course - a new form of organizational development

On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, all employees gathered in FLONIDAN's large warehouse. But this day was different from many others. Instead of working on the development, marketing, sales, production and delivery of gas and water meters, all employees had to work on organizational development, with a special focus on strengthening collaboration across departments.

The day was based on a new working method where employees were asked to solve specific challenges and issues that they had identified themselves. With this method of working, each participant was highly engaged to take ownership of the process and commit to the agreements that were made. All employees also shared responsibility for ensuring that the day's work was subsequently implemented in practice and translated into concrete actions.

- "Our approach was that challenges are best solved where they belong. The goal of the day was therefore to create a framework where the employees themselves discussed, "negotiated" and solved the challenges they faced. In this way, we also ensured that ownership of the solution was where it belonged."

- CEO, Steen

Working method: Sprints and concrete challenges

The day's work was an alternation between short direction-setting presentations from LEAD consultants and intense sprints working on specific challenges in cross-functional collaboration. There was an ongoing status report in plenary, where successes were celebrated, rewards were handed out and challenges that still needed to be solved were discussed.

Divided into 5 steps

1. Strategic framework

The purpose was to set the framework for the workshop with a description of the overall purpose and benefits. This included drawing a shared picture of the organization's strengths and challenges.

2. Mapping each department's goals and responsibilities

Summarizing each department's role in the overall project delivery chain. Here, a picture of the cross-departmental project collaboration was drawn from each department's perspective to tune each department into the desired outcome of the day.

3. Analysis of improvement potentials in cross-functional collaboration

Detailed mapping of workflow in cross-departmental collaboration. Here, each department identified the most important areas for improvement that they would like to discuss with other departments during the day.

4. Cross-departmental dialog and negotiation

The employees met across departments and engaged in a dialog about concrete solutions to the identified challenges. Participants had the opportunity to meet at negotiation tables, so-called broker tables, and in bilateral meetings, where they also had the opportunity to use a number of reflexive help cards to find good, sustainable agreements. The status was regularly reviewed in plenary.

5. personal commitment

Individual work on concrete behavioral changes based on the agreements made. The day's work was anchored in a personal commitment, with each employee mapping out an implementation plan. The participants ended with cross-functional check-in meetings where follow-up meetings on the day's agreements were scheduled.

"It was incredibly exciting to let go of the reins and let the organization work in this way, and we are very happy with both the process and the outcome. LEAD created the right framework, facilitated the process and ensured progress throughout the day, and we have great respect for their handling of the process."
- CEO, Steen


FLONIDAN was founded in 1982 in Horsens, Denmark, when Denmark started rolling out natural gas. Back then, the organization was structured as a classic engineering-driven manufacturing company. Managing Director Sten Dyrmose joined in 2015 and has since overseen a number of changes to FLONIDAN's strategy and business model. Production has been outsourced and increased more than fivefold. Many small orders have been replaced by fewer larger ones, which has made it possible to handle contracts and orders of completely new proportions. But with such growth comes organizational challenges.

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your business

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a leadership development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.

Claus Elmholdt,

Professional Director and Founder

Phone: +45 26 14 51 57

Email: ce@lead.eu

Read one of our many cases and references

You can read more about our cases and references here, where we present how LEAD works with leadership and organizational development.

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