Increase employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is crucial to the success of any organization and its ability to retain its employees. When employees are satisfied, they are happier , more productive and engaged, and contribute to a positive and healthy work environment. It's no surprise, then, that employee satisfaction is one of the most important factors in creating a successful and sustainable business

In this article, we'll explore what employee satisfaction is, why it's so important and how you as a manager can increase employee satisfaction. You'll get concrete advice on how to create a healthy and productive work culture that contributes to employee retention.

Are you experiencing problems retaining good, competent employees in your organization and do you want new input to increase employee satisfaction? A persistent effort in these areas will increase employee job satisfaction and performance and help realize your company's strategic ambitions.

At LEAD, we are experts in leadership and organizational development that creates job satisfaction, increased satisfaction and sustainable results. We offer business psychology services within analysis and management of stress, conflicts and other work environment challenges. Read more below.

Do you want to be even better equipped to manage the psychological work environment?

The "Management of psychological work environment and well-being" program provides you with insights and methods to create a good work environment for your employees, including facilitating a good feedback culture and learning how to give constructive feedback in the workplace.

The program is especially relevant if you have challenges with high sickness absence, internal conflicts, high employee turnover or widespread stress among employees.

Read more about our research-based education

What is employee satisfaction?

Employee satisfaction is about how satisfied employees are with their workplace and the conditions that affect their working day. Therefore, employee satisfaction encompasses everything from work environment and management to pay and work tasks. 

When employees are satisfied, they are more motivated, engaged and perform better at work. That's why it's important for companies to have a high level of employee satisfaction, as it can impact the success of the business and the bottom line. 

Employee satisfaction is a broad concept with many nuances, which makes it quite complex to study. An individual employee may be extremely satisfied with some aspects of their work and workplace, but dissatisfied with others. For example, an employee may be happy with the content of their job and the influence they have in the company, but dissatisfied with working hours and the physical conditions at work. 

An employee satisfaction survey is one way to increase employee satisfaction, as it often gives employees a sense of being heard. In such a survey, you measure employee satisfaction based on a number of given parameters and gain insight into where you need to take action to increase employee satisfaction in the organization. You can read more about this further down in the article.

Many theories behind the employee satisfaction survey

There are many theories and methods on how to measure employee satisfaction and what to focus on. One of the most well-known theories on how and which factors to measure employee satisfaction is Frederick Herzberg's two-factor theory. This divides workplace conditions into two overarching factors; motivational factors and maintenance factors, distinguishing between the factors in the job that create satisfaction and the factors that can create dissatisfaction.

You can see which factors are categorized as motivational and maintenance factors in the model below.

If you're interested in more motivational theories, you can read more in this short review from Væksthus for ledelse

7 short steps to conduct an employee satisfaction survey

You can break down the process of conducting an employee satisfaction survey into the simple steps below. There are a multitude of ways to do it, from simple to extensive, and this is just a brief overview of how you can go about it. The most important aspect of an employee satisfaction survey is that it gives employees the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback to management and the company in general.

  1. Define your company's goals and objectives for the survey and communicate them to your employees
  2. Decide how often the employee satisfaction survey should be conducted
  3. Find the relevant questions
  4. Send the survey to employees and remember to inform them that the survey is anonymous
  5. Look at the results and save them so you can compare with past and future employee satisfaction surveys
  6. Turn your newfound knowledge into action to increase employee satisfaction
  7. Remember to repeat the survey with the frequency you have decided

How to increase employee satisfaction

Improving employee satisfaction is a crucial task for any company that wants to maintain a productive, healthy and happy work environment. 

There is no single solution to increasing employee satisfaction. It requires a holistic approach that takes into account a variety of factors, including company culture, career development, communication and feedback. By focusing on these areas, you can build a healthy and productive workplace that supports employee wellbeing and success.

The points below can help provide a more nuanced picture of how to improve employee satisfaction in the workplace.

Show your employees they are valued

One of the most important factors is creating a culture that values, recognizes and supports employees. This can include offering competitive salaries, favorable pension and insurance plans, or other benefits that show that the company values employee contributions. It can also include giving employees the freedom, time and the right tools and facilities to do a good and satisfying job. 

Another important factor is providing employees with opportunities to develop and grow in their positions. This can include access to education, training and development opportunities that can help employees develop new skills and grow in their careers.

Create the framework for a great work culture

It's also important to create a good work culture that promotes collaboration, wellbeing and communication between employees. This can include creating opportunities for social activities that allow employees to get to know each other better and build stronger relationships. A good work culture also includes being aware of good conflict management and stress management in the workplace.

Prioritize openness and transparency in communication

Open and honest communication is an important factor in building trust and loyalty between employees and management. It can also help reduce uncertainty and stress in the workplace. Implement a good feedback culture in the workplace - it helps employees feel valued and respected and provides the feedback they need for both their personal and professional development.

Celebrate and support a good work-life balance

Balancing work and life can be challenging for many employees. That's why companies can implement policies and initiatives that help support employees' work-life balance. This could be in the form of flexible working hours, working from home and paid maternity, parental and sick leave.

Invest in employee development and careers

Giving employees the opportunity to develop their skills and advance in their careers can increase their motivation and satisfaction in the workplace. For example, companies can offer training courses, mentoring programs and concrete opportunities for promotion.

Ask yourself: What's important to my employees?

Understanding what's important to your employees is an important part of creating a fulfilling workplace. When employees feel heard and understood, they will be more motivated and engaged in their work. One way to find out what's important to employees is to have a conversation with them and ask them about their needs and wants in the workplace. 

However, it can be difficult for employees to answer such a question openly and honestly in a meeting. That's why it's a good idea to conduct an anonymous employee satisfaction survey. By collecting feedback from employees, you as a company can gain a better understanding of what's working well and what needs improvement, and then take steps to address and act on these issues.

Do you want to be better at:

  • Map your own situation and action areas to improve your work environment and well-being
  • Work strategically with organizational culture
  • Building a learning culture
  • Create a growth mindset in your employees
  • Prevent stress and unhappiness
  • Manage stress and unhappiness
  • Lead the development of an attractive workplace with low sick leave and low employee turnover
  • Drive better performance in your area of responsibility

Then fill out the form below and receive our description of the research-based education that gives you the most effective tools to strengthen the psychological work environment and well-being in your workplace .

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We're hosting a conference on the attractive workplace on May 21 in Aarhus and May 24 in Copenhagen.

Learn more:

  • The holistic model
  • The innovative workplace
  • Areas of focus
  • Best practice examples