Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is an important factor for both employees and employers, as it can have a huge impact on productivity, engagement and well-being in the workplace. But what exactly is job satisfaction and why is it so important?

In this article, we will explore the concept of job satisfaction, its definition and meaning, and how it can affect both employees and organizations. You will also be presented with concrete tips and tools that you can use when working with job satisfaction. 

Do you have specific issues with employees who lack job satisfaction, hindering performance and the realization of your strategic ambition? 

At LEAD, we are experts in leadership and organizational development that creates job satisfaction and sustainable results. We offer business psychology services within analysis and management of stress, conflicts and other work environment challenges. Read more below.

What is job satisfaction and why is it important?

Job satisfaction is a feeling of joy and contentment with your work and workplace. It is a state of feeling motivated and engaged with the work you do. Job satisfaction is important because it can affect both the employee's psychological wellbeing and the success of the company. Employees who experience job satisfaction are typically more productive, creative and innovative and are less likely to quit. 

In addition, a workplace with high job satisfaction can attract and retain skilled employees, which can help boost a company's reputation.

In a study published in the International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, the authors investigated the relationship between job satisfaction and innovation and engagement - and concluded that there is a clear correlation between high job satisfaction and high innovation and engagement among employees. However, job satisfaction also influences many other elements of the workplace. Among these are:

  • Better workplace wellbeing: When employees are happy in their work, they are happier in the workplace, creating a positive atmosphere and culture.
  • Higher productivity: Employees who are happy at work are generally more productive because they are motivated and engaged in their work.
  • More innovation: A workplace with a high level of job satisfaction is better placed to support innovation and new thinking among employees. 
  • Lower sickness absence: Job satisfaction is also important for reducing sickness absence in the workplace, as employees with higher job satisfaction are less likely to be sick or take absences.
  • Stronger employee engagement: Employees who demonstrate job satisfaction are more engaged in their work and are more likely to stay with the company longer, leading to greater stability and reducing employee turnover. 

How does job satisfaction affect productivity and well-being in the workplace?

Job satisfaction plays an important role in both productivity and wellbeing in the workplace. When employees have high levels of job satisfaction, research shows that they are more motivated and engaged in their work, and their performance increases as a result. 

A Harvard Business Review study found that employees with high job satisfaction were 31% more productive than their colleagues with lower job satisfaction. The study also found that workplaces with high levels of job satisfaction had 37% more sales.

In other words, the research suggests that companies should consider job satisfaction as a metric that can be effectively aligned with the company's strategic business goals. 

At the same time, job satisfaction is also closely linked to wellbeing in the workplace. When employees experience job satisfaction, they feel more satisfied with their work and have a positive attitude towards their colleagues and the organization as a whole. This can create a positive work environment and strengthen collaboration between employees, which can lead to a more stable and healthy workplace. 

At the same time, research also shows that job satisfaction can reduce stress and burnout in the workplace, which in turn can have positive effects on both productivity and well-being. Take this study published in the International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery, where the authors found a statistically significant correlation between low job satisfaction and burnouts. 

So, job satisfaction plays a key role in a company's ability to support productivity, well-being and financial performance. 

How can I increase job satisfaction in my workplace?

On the one hand, the company can initiate various initiatives to strengthen the overall job satisfaction experienced in the workplace. 

On the other hand, job satisfaction is also an individual and subjective value, and therefore the individual employee can also have a certain amount of agency to strengthen their own perceived job satisfaction. However, it should be emphasized that it is ultimately the company's overall responsibility to create the necessary framework for employees to experience their work as meaningful and satisfying. 

For an employee to increase their own job satisfaction, it will require some changes and conscious choices, but it's an effort that can have long-lasting, positive effects on both work and personal life. Here are some ideas on how you as an employee can increase your own job satisfaction:

Is it challenging tasks, collaboration with colleagues, recognition from your boss, or something else that energizes and motivates you? Once you've identified these factors, you can more easily focus on articulating your needs and achieving the fulfillment that motivates you.

If you have tasks that match your strengths and interests, it will be easier to feel engaged and motivated. You can share your list with your manager and together you can agree on tasks that stimulate your professionalism and job satisfaction.

It can be tempting to isolate yourself and focus only on work, but relationships with other people can have a huge impact on our job satisfaction. So consider inviting your colleagues to lunch or a coffee break and participate in social events at work. 

When you achieve something positive, don't be afraid to celebrate it. Praise yourself and acknowledge your efforts. This can help build a positive attitude and boost your confidence. In this regard, you should also remember to set realistic goals and milestones. Milestones are especially important as larger projects can have long time horizons - and you should remember to praise yourself along the way, otherwise you'll find yourself running out of time. 

It's important to have time and space to relax and do things that bring you joy and energy outside of work. If you spend too much time and energy at work, it can have a negative impact on your job satisfaction and well-being. This is where companies can step up and implement a hybrid way of working - read more about hybrid working here

By receiving feedback and improving your skills and competencies, you can feel a greater sense of satisfaction and meaning in your work. Make sure you get regular feedback on your tasks so you feel like you're developing - and, most importantly, so your manager can see your commitment to professional development.

What can you as a manager do to boost employee job satisfaction?

So far, we've talked about what the company can do to improve job satisfaction in the workplace and what the individual employee can do. But the manager also has a key responsibility in this context. Here are some typical areas that you, as a manager, can focus on to increase overall job satisfaction and job satisfaction among your employees:

When your employees feel empowered and free to make independent decisions and plan their own work, it can increase their sense of control and job satisfaction.

Recognize your employees for their hard work so they feel seen and appreciated.

Make sure you give employees tasks that challenge and develop their skills. This builds professional pride.

When your employees feel that you hear and support them socially, they are more likely to feel safe, which can have an impact on their perceived job satisfaction. 

When work is meaningful and serves a greater purpose than just making money, it can give employees greater job satisfaction. Therefore, try to include your employees in the bigger vision of your company's purpose in the world.

What destroys job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction in the workplace can be ruined by many different factors. Of course, it varies from person to person, but there are some general common denominators:

  • A poor work culture with bullying, conflict and poor communication.
  • Lack of recognition and feedback from managers or colleagues.
  • Lack of resources or too much workload.
  • A workplace that doesn't take care of employees' physical or mental health.
  • Constant stress and performance demands without the opportunity to relax and recover.
  • Unsatisfactory pay and working conditions.

It's important for both employers and employees to identify these factors and take steps to address them to improve job satisfaction and wellbeing in the workplace.

Are you experiencing any of the above issues in your workplace? 

Book us in for a chat and let's see how we can help you overcome these destructive trends.

Do you want to be better at:

  • Map your own situation and action areas to improve your work environment and well-being
  • Work strategically with organizational culture
  • Building a learning culture
  • Create a growth mindset in your employees
  • Prevent stress and unhappiness
  • Manage stress and unhappiness
  • Lead the development of an attractive workplace with low sick leave and low employee turnover
  • Drive better performance in your area of responsibility

Then fill out the form below and receive our description of the research-based education that gives you the most effective tools to strengthen the psychological work environment and well-being in your workplace .

Do you want to be even better equipped to manage the psychological work environment and strengthen job satisfaction?

The "Management of Psychological Work Environment and Wellbeing" program gives you insights and methods to create a better work environment for your employees.

The program is especially relevant if you have challenges with high sickness absence, high employee turnover or widespread stress among employees.

Read more about our research-based education

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  • The holistic model
  • The innovative workplace
  • Areas of focus
  • Best practice examples