Values - rhetorical platitudes or clear behavioral markers?

Organizational values are one of the obvious "bully victims" in the field of organizational development.

3 things you'll take away from this webinar:

  • A checklist of points to consider when developing behavior-influencing values
  • Advice on how to implement and live the values in your leadership communication and actions
  • Knowledge on how to prevent and manage conflicts about values in your organization

Who is the webinar host

Christian Nyvang Qvick - Chief Consultant at LEAD - Enter next level. Author of the management books 'Vision leadership - how to create a clear and meaningful direction for your organization' and 'Distributed leadership in the public sector'. In addition, he has written more than 40 articles, opinion pieces, columns and opinion pieces on leadership.

Critics argue that values often become rhetorical platitudes and self-evident plus words that don't make a difference in the organization if no one can be bothered to disagree with the value statements.

Description continues in the next section.

The key to good vision management

Read one of Christian Nyvang Qvick's articles where he shares his own experiences as a consultant and talks about how it's not enough for leaders to tell employees what difference they make to the shared vision through their work. It needs to be shown concretely, and that requires alliances with the organization's end users.

In practice, this criticism is in many cases justified - often due to a misguided approach to working with values. Working with values in the right way has huge potential. Values can act as behavioral markers that create a collective narrative about what should underpin employees' day-to-day "do's and don'ts". Values can also provide an alternative to micromanagement based on thick employee handbooks, rules and procedures. Finally, values can help add personality to the organization - values can shape organizational culture by clarifying what the organization stands for, takes pride in living by and ascribes meaning to. Just think of Maersk and the value "due diligence" as an example of such a value that most Danes have probably heard of.

The webinar is the second in a series of webinars on the classic concepts in management literature:

Webinar series on value, vision & strategy

The webinar will be held on 2/11-2022

The webinar will be held on 16/9-2022

How can LEAD help you with vision management?

Do you or your organization need advice and sparring on vision management, presentations and workshops on vision management or facilitation of vision processes? 

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