How do you build a Learning Culture with high psychological safety?

In collaboration with Leadership Week in week 44, where the entire public sector puts a special focus on public leadership.

Behind the Management Week is the government, KL and Danish Regions.

On the webinar you will meet

Katrine Bastian - Senior Consultant at LEAD - Enter next level. She is known for creating trusting relationships with her customers and partners - and she is keen to bring her practical experience and her interest in communicating theoretical knowledge so that it can be linked to the organization's strategic needs and concrete practice. 

Are you interested in creating high-performing teams with innovative employees and want to know more about how this relates to learning, well-being and stress reduction? In this webinar, business psychologist and learning culture expert Katrine Bastian will provide you with knowledge and concrete tools on how you and your leadership team can work strategically to create a culture of professional development and innovation, while improving well-being and lowering stress levels.

During the webinar, you will gain knowledge about what learning culture with psychological safety is, you will get examples from organizations and leaders who are working to strengthen their learning culture, and you will get concrete and proven tools for working to strengthen the learning culture in your organization, department and leadership team.

Find us in the program here.

Description continues in the next section.

Is your psychological work environment getting in your way?

At LEAD, we are experts in leadership and organizational development that creates well-being and sustainable results. We offer occupational psychology services within analysis and management of stress, conflicts and other work environment challenges. In addition, we help you develop sustainable leadership and work cultures that create well-being and performance. 

Click the link to read more about how we advise and inspire based on research-based knowledge and solid practical experience.

Psychological safety

In most contexts, the concept of psychological safety is directly linked to Amy Edmondson, a professor at Harvard Business School. It was she who introduced 'psychological safety' in 1999 as a result of a research project focusing on medication errors in the healthcare sector.

Here, Amy Edmondson discovered that the teams that functioned and performed the best were also the ones with the most reported errors. The studies showed that these teams didn't necessarily fail more than average - but that they were characterized by a high level of mutual trust and respect, which made team members comfortable speaking up about the mistakes they made.

When psychological safety is high, teams are better able to build on each other's ideas and work more efficiently. According to Amy Edmondson, psychological safety is never the end in itself - it's the method to achieve high performance.

Psychological safety is also often referred to as psychological security.

Training in mental health and well-being management creates better workplaces

In this 3-day course, you as an organization, managers, union representatives or others who work with well-being and psychological work environment will be equipped with the latest knowledge and the most important tools to strengthen well-being and performance in your organization. You will learn how to work strategically and preventively with the psychological work environment, and you will be given hands-on tools to handle difficult situations. Finally, you will become aware of your different roles and responsibilities in managing your psychological work environment.

With an education in psychological work environment and well-being management, you will be equipped with the most important management skills to prevent stress, reduce sick leave, increase well-being and optimize performance in your organization.

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We can help with all types of leadership development, whether it's tailored development programs, courses, training, workshops, lectures or anything else. 

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We're hosting a conference on the attractive workplace on May 21 in Aarhus and May 24 in Copenhagen.

Learn more:

  • The holistic model
  • The innovative workplace
  • Areas of focus
  • Best practice examples