Drive organizational success through a growth mindset culture

Dive into growth mindset theory and focus on why and how you as a leader can work with growth mindset culture.

Here are 3 things you'll take away from this webinar:

  • Knowledge of what growth mindset theory is all about
  • Insight into why organizations should work on developing a growth mindset culture
  • Concrete advice to get started developing a growth mindset culture

Who is the webinar host

Rasmus Thy Grøn - Partner and responsible for the business area Leadership Development at LEAD - Enter next level. He is one of the main authors of the new book "Den Offentlige Leadership Pipeline 2 - ledelseskraft til en ny tid".

Growth mindset refers to the belief that our abilities can be developed through effort and persistence. This contrasts with the fixed mindset, which subscribes to the belief that abilities are innate and unchangeable. Organizations with a growth mindset culture believe that everyone can grow. One of the benefits of a growth mindset culture is that mistakes become something to talk about and learn from, and developmental feedback is a natural part of everyday organizational life. Research suggests that growth mindset increases the ability to learn from mistakes, creating greater engagement, job performance, innovation and commitment.

Description continues in the next section.

Growth Mindset versus Fixed Mindset

Read one of Rasmus Thy Grøn's articles, where he shares his own practical experiences as a consultant and provides insight into the differences between a fixed and a growth mindset. You'll also get some good advice on how you can work on developing a growth mindset in your organization.

At the same time, not focusing on developing a growth mindset culture can have serious consequences. In organizations with a fixed mindset culture, managers and employees find it difficult to accept critical feedback, and may even try to hide mistakes and take shortcuts to reach their goals. It's all about appearing successful at all costs. In an ever-changing world, the mindset of individuals and organizations is crucial for long-term success. Here, growth mindset is the psychological foundation for the learning and development that will ensure the survival of companies.

How can LEAD help create a growth mindset culture?

A growth mindset believes that abilities can be developed through effort and persistence, whereas a fixed mindset refers to the belief that abilities are innate and unchangeable. 

At LEAD, we are experts in developing growth mindset cultures that promote both individual and organizational success. Our work is based on solid practical experience combined with research-based knowledge. We always tailor our services to fit the context and needs of each organization.

Should we have a no-obligation dialog?

We can help with all types of leadership development, whether it's tailored development programs, courses, training, workshops, lectures or anything else. 

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