Stress prevention

Let LEAD help prevent stress in the workplace.

The amount of change and the degree of complexity that employees in the Danish labor market have to deal with is constantly increasing.

The proportion of adult Danes with high stress levels has increased from 21% in 2010 to 25% today, according to studies from the last 10 years. 

Although we have been focusing on stress management and prevention for years, it is still an issue that we as a society and workplaces are trying to solve. Especially as a manager with personnel responsibility, you experience the many dilemmas that come with a stressed employee - partly in terms of helping and supporting the employee in question, and at the same time ensuring that productivity and efficiency does not drop in the department, or that other employees are affected by too much work pressure if a sick leave becomes necessary.

How do you handle the demanding and complex task of leadership?

Many managers feel unprepared for the task or fear that they will make "mistakes" in the process and risk doing more harm than good. Therefore, it is still important for leaders and organizations to seek out knowledge and inspiration for the task.
We can deliver a 1-hour lecture, a 3-hour workshop, or half- or full-day workshops and longer intervention programs. 

Who is the target audience for this talk?

  • HR professionals - both managers and consultants responsible for employee and organizational development.
  • Managers at all levels with responsibility for personnel and day-to-day responsibility for the development of employees in the organization.

What value does the assignment create for your organization?

Knowledge, models and hands-on tools that can help you in your own management task to work strategically to prevent, detect and manage stress in your employees

Emphasis is placed on managerial do's and dont's and best practice recommendations that managers and organizations need to be aware of.

Through a foundation of knowledge combined with exercises and reflections, you as a manager will have the opportunity to work with your own management practice in relation to identifying, managing and preventing stress.

If you have any questions, write or call one of our experts


Management consultant

Senior Consultant

What is your role as a manager when it comes to preventing and managing stress?

Watch this webinar where you will be presented with research and experience-based insights on how they prevent, detect and manage stress in their employees and organizations:

  • We focus on leadership do's and dont's and make recommendations for best practices that leaders and organizations should be aware of.
  • Participants are presented with models and hands-on tools that can help them with their own management task of preventing, spotting and managing stress in their employees.
  • Participants are introduced to approaches for working strategically to prevent, detect and manage stress.

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a leadership development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional Director, Founder

Mobile: +45 26 14 51 57


On October 1 in Copenhagen and October 2 in Aarhus, Denmark, we will host a Masterclass in AI management.

Learn more:

  • Tools for generative AI
  • Opportunities and dilemmas
  • Best practice examples
By attending our Masterclass, you have the opportunity to get a discount if you subsequently join our AI and Digitalization Leadership Network.
magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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