Authorized occupational health and safety advisor

Preventing stress is a shared responsibility

Stress can be a consequence of many factors in the workplace, including a lack of balance between demands and resources, low influence, role ambiguity and poor communication. A study from the Danish Working Environment Association for Welfare and Public Administration (BFA) shows that employees thrive best in their work when they experience control and influence, predictability, social support and a sense of importance. This makes stress prevention a shared responsibility.

We can offer advice in the following ways:

It's important to identify stressors and implement measures to manage them. 

LEAD's efforts to manage and prevent work-related stress can be implemented at individual, group, company and community level.

As an authorized occupational health advisor, LEAD can help manage and prevent stress through the following measures:

Advice and guidance

LEAD can provide individual advice and guidance to both management and employees on identifying, preventing and managing stress in the workplace. This can include strategies for stress management and work-life balance.

Training and workshops

LEAD can organize stress management workshops for employees and management. This can include training in stress reduction techniques, conflict management and prioritizing work tasks.

Policies and procedures

LEAD can help with the development and implementation of clear policies and procedures to manage stress in the workplace. This can include stress management guidelines, flexible working hours and support schemes.

Workplace assessment

LEAD can perform a thorough workplace assessment (WPA) to identify stress-inducing factors in the workplace and develop action plans to reduce and prevent stress. This can include evaluating the work environment, work tasks and organizational conditions.

Want to know more about how we can help you with health and safety consulting?

Fill out the form below and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional director and founder
Cand.Psych.Aut. & Ph.d.
Associate Professor of Management and Organizational Psychology, AalborgUniversity

Mobile: +45 26 14 51 57