Lecture on digital powerlessness and empowerment

Let LEAD help put digitalization and digital transformation on the agenda.

What is digital disempowerment and empowerment?

Digital disempowerment refers to the feeling of powerlessness or frustration that employees and leaders may experience in relation to the rapid digitalization and digital transformation in organizations. It can occur when you want to participate in or understand the purpose and benefits of digitalization, but lack the necessary skills or resources to control the outcome or influence the process.

On the other hand, digital empowerment is about giving individuals and teams the strength and skills to manage digitalization effectively and productively. This means providing tools, training and support to navigate digital transformation and achieve positive results.

What we can offer

This talk focuses on identifying and addressing digital powerlessness and promoting digital empowerment in organizations, especially for leaders at all levels. By offering insights, language and tools, it helps to reduce feelings of powerlessness and strengthen the organization's ability to manage digitalization at the individual, team and corporate level.

The talk highlights the state and municipal agenda of digitalization and digital transformation.

Most initiatives are created by joint public/municipal bodies and others centrally. There are already a large number of digital systems, and success requires skills in change management, communication, technology, data security and vendor management.

Especially HR managers and employees feel vulnerable, and feelings of powerlessness towards this machine of digitalization are widespread. They are at their worst when you actually want to, can see the point of digitalization, but don't have the means to control the outcome.

We offer two types of lectures: 

  • 1-2 hour lecture
  • 3-hour workshop

This lecture is delivered both as webinars as well as with a physical performance according to your wishes and needs, and can be performed in both Danish and English.

The lecture frames

Target group 

The talk is for management at group level and/or further down in the organization.

Benefits of the talk

Achieve a reflection and language of the challenge you may be facing that reduces powerlessness and empowers you on an individual, team and group level in terms of digitalization.

Get a range of possible actions and tools to reduce powerlessness and empower you on an individual, team and group level when it comes to digitalization.

Do you lack knowledge about digital leadership?

In collaboration with Leadership Week in 2023, the entire public sector put a special focus on public leadership. Our consultant Kaare Pedersen hosted a webinar on digital powerlessness and empowerment. 
Behind the Management Week is the government, KL and Danish Regions.

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a leadership development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional Director, Founder

Mobile: +45 26 14 51 57
E-mail: ce@lead.eu


We're hosting a conference on the attractive workplace on May 21 in Aarhus and May 24 in Copenhagen.

Learn more:

  • The holistic model
  • The innovative workplace
  • Areas of focus
  • Best practice examples