Quality and improvement culture

We help organizations develop a culture of improvement that ensures you continuously quality assure the delivery of your core business while keeping a focus on costs and overall organizational efficiency.

Our approach to developing a systematic quality and improvement culture is based on the following principles:

  • Systematic involvement of citizen needs: The work must be directly based on the citizen's needs and contribute to their fulfillment.
  • Strong management focus: An important element of the work is to strengthen the managers' ability to proactively prepare, launch and follow up on efficiency and quality improvement initiatives both in their own area and in overall citizen pathways that go across the organization and outside the organizational framework.
  • Development in practice: It is in day-to-day operations that the initiatives are put to the test. Therefore, emphasis is placed on developing and testing the improvement initiatives in the everyday performance of the core task. This ensures that the improvements are lasting and meaningful for managers, employees and citizens alike.

All courses are tailored to your organization and your needs and challenges.


LEAD has assisted Danish Regions with the development, execution and implementation of a national leadership program in healthcare. The purpose of the program was to implement a new paradigm for quality work in the healthcare system through competence development of managers and key personnel in the healthcare system. The focal point was work with real, data-based and clinical improvement initiatives at hospitals, in municipal units and across units as part of an overall patient pathway.

magazine, LEAD Insights, management

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