Psychological safety

What is psychological safety?

Psychological safety is a key concept in organizational psychology that refers to an individual's perception of the consequences of taking interpersonal risks in their work environment. It is the belief that one will not be punished or ostracized for making mistakes, asking questions, expressing doubts or coming up with new ideas.

This sense of safety occurs in an environment where openness, trust and respect are valued and encouraged. When team members feel safe enough to take interpersonal risks, they will be more likely to share their ideas and opinions, even if they differ from the group's norms.

Psychological safety is particularly important in modern workplaces where innovation and creative thinking are key success factors. In a psychologically safe environment, employees are more likely to engage in behaviors that promote learning and innovation, such as experimenting, discussing and learning from mistakes, and sharing their knowledge and skills with others.

Furthermore, research has shown that psychological safety can have a significant impact on team performance. Teams that have high levels of psychological safety are generally more efficient and productive, have better communication, are more engaged and have higher employee satisfaction.

It's worth noting that psychological safety is not about being agreeable or avoiding conflict. Rather, it's about building an environment where people trust that they will be respected and recognized, even when they express disagreements or go against the grain.

Why is psychological safety important?

Working on psychological safety is essential for any leader who wants to create a productive, innovative and engaged workforce. It is the key element in creating an environment where employees feel safe enough to take risks, ask questions, express themselves honestly and learn from their mistakes.

First and foremost, psychological safety is essential for fostering innovation. In a psychologically safe environment, employees will be more likely to take intellectual risks, such as proposing new ideas or challenging the status quo. This is especially important in an increasingly competitive world where companies must constantly innovate to maintain their competitive edge.

Additionally, psychological safety promotes learning and personal growth. When employees don't fear punishment or retaliation for their mistakes, they are more likely to learn from them and improve their skills. This can be crucial to empowering employees and increasing their effectiveness.

Psychological safety can also improve communication and collaboration within a team. In a safe environment, employees are more likely to share their thoughts, opinions and feedback honestly, which can improve decision-making and problem-solving.

Finally, psychological safety is crucial for increasing employee engagement and satisfaction. Employees who feel psychologically safe in the workplace have been shown to be more engaged in their work, more satisfied with their jobs and less likely to leave the organization.

As a manager, it is therefore important to proactively work to promote psychological safety in the workplace. This can be achieved through a number of strategies, such as encouraging openness, showing empathy, recognizing and rewarding risk-taking, and creating an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than missteps.

LEAD's approach to strengthening psychological safety in your organization

At LEAD, we understand the importance of psychological safety in the workplace. We believe that to create engaged, productive and innovative teams, it's important to create an environment where employees feel valued, supported and confident to take risks.

We help our customers introduce and strengthen psychological safety through a range of strategies and methods. First and foremost, our approach to psychological safety is based on a foundation of empathy and openness. We encourage managers to be more accessible and responsive to their employees' needs, feelings and perspectives. We also promote a culture of feedback where honest and constructive conversations are the norm, not the exception.

Next, we focus on building and strengthening trust in the workplace. We train leaders to establish clear expectations, deliver on promises, and demonstrate reliability and integrity in their actions. We believe that trust is key to building psychological safety as it creates an environment where employees feel comfortable taking risks, sharing ideas and learning from mistakes.

Finally, we work to create an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities, rather than just missteps. By fostering a culture of learning and development, we help create an atmosphere where employees feel safe to experiment, innovate and grow both personally and professionally.

Overall, LEAD's approach to strengthening psychological safety in organizations is based on a holistic understanding of what it takes to create a healthy, productive and innovative workplace. We understand that every organization is unique and we are committed to providing tailored solutions that fit our clients' specific needs and challenges.

How we can help you

We offer you management and organizational sparring, research-based training and presentations on psychological safety, as well as training courses with a specific focus on giving you and your organization general management skills. Read examples of our services here.


Inspiring research-based presentations on psychological safety for all levels of your organization


Sparring in connection with the development of your organization, your decisions and initiatives.


Facilitation of active workshops focusing on competence development at management and executive level.

The consulting team working with psychological safety

Claus Elmholdt

Professional Director | Founder | Read more here

Katrine Bastian

Senior Consultant | Read more here

Mickey Klysner Riis

Management Consultant | Read more here

Kim Martin Nielsen

Partner | Read more here

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization

Are you facing an organizational change? Do you need strategic advice or a cultural development program?

Contact us and together we will tailor a process that develops the exact competencies and structures that strengthen and future-proof your organization.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional Director, Founder
Cand.Psych.Aut. & Ph.d.
Associate Professor in Management and Organizational Psychology, Aalborg University

Cell phone: +45 26 14 51 57