Authorized occupational health and safety advisor

Prevent the problems

Violence and threats in the workplace can have serious consequences for both the physical and psychological safety of employees. The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires organizations to protect their employees in the best possible way while they are at work. Therefore, it's important to have safety measures in place to prevent and handle potential situations of violence and threats.

Violence and threats

LEAD can help manage and prevent these issues through the following actions:

Advice and guidance

LEAD offers individual counseling and guidance to both management and employees on identifying, preventing and managing violence and threats in the workplace. This includes conflict management strategies, communication techniques and building a safe and security-oriented work environment.

LEAD offers support and follow-up to employees who have experienced violence or threats at work, including psychological support and counseling.

Training programs and workshops

LEAD organizes workshops and training sessions on handling workplace violence and threats for both management and employees. This includes training on de-escalation techniques, conflict management, personal safety, risk awareness and collaboration on safety protocols.

Policies and procedures

Because it is difficult to solve problems of violence and intimidation if there are different understandings of what it means, LEAD offers to create a common understanding of violence and intimidation and the design and implementation of effective prevention strategies and policies, including clear guidelines for handling these situations.

LEAD assists in the development and implementation of clear policies and procedures for handling workplace violence and threats. This includes designing guidelines for reporting, emergency response plans and victim support measures.

LEAD also assists with the preparation of contingency plans for handling violent incidents, including alerting, evacuation and emergency communication.

Workplace assessment

LEAD conducts a comprehensive workplace assessment (WPA) with a focus on identifying potential risk factors for workplace violence and threats. This includes evaluating the physical environment, work routines and organizational structures to develop targeted prevention strategies.

Want to know more about how we can help you with health and safety consulting?

Fill out the form below and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Claus Elmholdt

Professional director and founder
Cand.Psych.Aut. & Ph.d.
Associate Professor of Management and Organizational Psychology, AalborgUniversity

Mobile: +45 26 14 51 57


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