The inter-municipal project management training

Why choose a project management degree?

As a project manager, it is essential to possess both project management and project leadership skills to ensure project success. 

The ability to communicate clearly is essential, as is the ability to make decisions and solve problems effectively. In addition, the project manager must demonstrate flexibility, manage resources and time effectively and navigate complex situations. To achieve results, it's important to build strong relationships, foster collaboration and involve the team in decision-making processes. A good project manager is also visionary and committed to continuous learning and development, which contributes to the growth of the project and the organization.

The Project Management program introduces you to the best and most current knowledge about project management. At the same time, you will be supported in how to best apply theories, methods and tools effectively to a concrete case from your home organization. You will be taught by experienced project managers who are not only well-versed in theory, but also in practice.


Testimonials from previous participants

"Good coherence between theory, exercises and assignments. Good teachers who communicated clearly within the framework."

"The group work and the associated exercises were a really good and supporting element in the teaching, where you constantly had to relate to your case project and implement what you learned. At the same time, it was useful to hear about everyone else's projects and problems. In addition, the everyday implementation meetings worked really well and motivated you to relate to your project. It created awareness of your issues."

"The selected themes were very relevant and there was a good alternation between presentations and group work."

Close connection between theory and your everyday life

The program is based on a link between theory and practice.

Throughout the course, you will actively work with a specific case from your own practice. This ensures a greater benefit and that both you and your organization experience a noticeable effect in your daily tasks.

After graduation, you will receive a certificate of completion.

Take the program with or without an exam

As a participant in the project management program, you have the option of taking the program with or without an exam (optional). The exam is held in collaboration with VIA University College and certifies that you have completed a project management module equivalent to 5 ETCS points, which is at the level of the Diploma of Leadership (DIL). If you choose to take the exam, there will be an additional syllabus and you should therefore allow time for this before the exam.

Admission requirements

In order to graduate at diploma level, it is a requirement that you have at least a short higher education degree. In addition, you must have at least 2 years of relevant work experience after completing your qualifying education.

If you do not meet the above requirements, but have other and equivalent prerequisites, you can apply for the exam based on an assessment of prior learning.


The purpose of the training:

  • To equip the participant to lead and manage a project where the project plan is not progressing e.g. due to inefficient processes or conflicts in team collaboration. 
  • To train and transfer project knowledge to a specific project the participant is working on, so that the project manager is directly supported in their daily work. 
  • Opportunity to demonstrate that the participant's project management competencies are equivalent to the Diploma in Leadership (DIL) level, including 5 ETCS credits.

Participant outcomes:

  • The participant is equipped to pragmatically, effectively and reflectively lead and manage a project and collaborate with different types of stakeholders.
  • The participant develops their leadership skills and gains insight into different leadership styles/preferences.
  • The participant gains knowledge and training on how to achieve the project's purpose and benefits through the implementation of deliverables in collaboration with the operational organization.
  • The participant receives concrete sparring on how to transfer the knowledge from the education to their specific municipal practice.

The benefits to the organization:

  • The organization achieves better project results and increased project execution.
  • The organization achieves qualified task solution on a specific project, which the participant works actively with in class and receives feedback from the teacher and participating project managers across municipalities. 
  • Your organization will gain insight into the best project management experiences across six municipalities that you can build on. 

Target group for the course

The target group for the project management course is new and experienced project managers who have not previously taken a project management course - or who want to get a certificate of competency. Possible participants can e.g. be employed as a project manager, development consultant, special consultant, senior consultant, HR consultant, manager, middle manager, team leader, communications officer, etc. However, please note that if you already have a management degree, there may be some overlap in the content of the project management course.

The program requires that you as a participant can bring a project with you, as this will be the training ground along the way. A project is defined here as a temporary activity created with the purpose of achieving specific goals and delivering specific results within a set time and financial framework. 

Duration and form

The project management training consists of seven full teaching days divided into four modules. In addition, there are three everyday implementation meetings of two hours each, where participants in small groups get sparring on specific project management challenges from their own everyday life. 

Between each module, each participant completes a learning sprint in their own daily life, where they work actively to transfer the knowledge from the course to their own practice. These are followed up with an optional buddy activity, e.g. sparring, project manager mirror or similar. Three times during the course, sparring and involvement from either line manager or project owner is included, which can be held in connection with the normal meeting cadence. 

Estimate 1-2 hours of preparation per day, divided between learning videos and possibly articles. 

The project management training lasts five months. 

inter-municipal education

Program for the project management education


  • Projects as a temporary organization
    • Projects as a temporary organization in a line-organized organization with a focus on operations.
    • The project triangle - the project manager's most important management tool. 
  • Break down the project and get a handle on goals and means
    • Goal hierarchy and gain map. Two ways to get a handle on purpose, goals, means and change. 
  • Stakeholder analysis and risk management
    • Understand the project stakeholders and your operating organization.
    • Risk analysis.
  • Planning and management
    • Milestone planning.


  • Team management and effective teams
  • Psychological safety
    • How to foster psychological safety in a team to promote participants' contribution to the project?
  • The personal leadership
    • Own preferences and pitfalls.
  • Conflict management


  • Agile approaches to projects
    • Methods and principles from agile project models and 'half double'.
  • Service design in projects
  • Profit-driven projects
  • Effective meetings and seminars
    • Introduction to the most important tools for running effective meetings and workshops.


  • Implementation and transition to operations
    • The implementation scaffolding - how to get around the most important questions when planning implementation.
    • Involvement of stakeholders, steering committee and users.
    • Handover to the operating organization.
  • Finish the project and ensure learning
    • Evaluation for learning.

What is a project?

Projects in a municipal context can vary in size and complexity. They can range from smaller initiatives with local impacts to larger projects with significant influence on the entire municipality. The exact definition of a project can vary from municipality to municipality depending on their own project management guidelines and practices.
Theoretically, something can be defined as a project when it meets certain criteria. A project in a municipality is typically a temporary activity set up to achieve specific goals and deliver certain results within a set timeframe.

A municipal project is often characterized by the following elements:
  1. Specific goals: The project has clearly defined goals that describe what is to be achieved. These goals can be aimed at improving municipal services, implementing new policies, modernizing infrastructure, or solving a specific challenge or issue.
  2. Time limit: Projects in the municipality are temporary in nature and have a set start and end date. There is a clear recognition that the project has a limited duration and a clearly defined end point.
  3. Unique activities: Projects often involve unique activities that differ from day-to-day operations. These activities are targeted and structured to achieve the desired results within the project framework.
  4. Resource allocation: Projects often require specific resources such as personnel, finances, time and material resources. These resources must be allocated and managed efficiently to support project execution.
  5. Stakeholders and collaboration: Projects in the municipality typically involve various stakeholders, including politicians, citizens, employees and external partners. Collaboration and communication with stakeholders is important to ensure support, cooperation and successful implementation of the project.

Sign up for the project management program

Approximately 1-2 classes of the project management training are conducted annually. 

In addition, approx. 1-3 exams are held annually with a minimum of 12 participants. Your exam can therefore be held in continuation of the following class if there are too few exam registrations from your class.

Upcoming training

You can now register for the upcoming class, which starts on February 3, 2025. The registration deadline is December 18, 2024 at 08:00.

Training dates:

  • Module 1: February 3 and 4, 2025
  • Module 2: March 3rd and 4th, 2025
  • Module 3: April 7 and 8, 2025
  • Module 4: May 5, 2025

All training days are held from 8:30-15:30 and include meals. The training is held at Videnscenter C4, Krakasvej 17, Hillerød.

Everyday implementation dates:

  1. everyday implementation meeting: February 17, 2025
  2. everyday implementation meeting: March 19, 2025
  3. everyday implementation meeting: April 22, 2025

All weekday implementation days are held between 8:00-16:00 and include coffee and tea. On the weekday implementation days, each group only needs to set aside 2 hours between 08:00-16:00 for sparring with the trainers in groups.

The days are held at Videnscenter C4, Krakasvej 17, Hillerød.

Exam and tutorial dates:

  • Deadline for submission of synopsis to exam guide: May 14, 2025
  • Online exam guide: May 21 or 22, 2025
  • Submission deadline for exam paper: June 6, 2025
  • Exam: June 19 or 20, 2025

Registration for the exam is binding from the day you are finally assigned a place on the program. Here you will receive a link to exam registration at VIA University College. The deadline for exam registration is January 6, 2025 at 23:59.

Ongoing programs (closed for registration)

Dates for our ongoing training for fall 2024
Training dates :
  • Module 1: August 12 and 13, 2024
  • Module 2: September 12 and 13, 2024
  • Module 3: October 8 and 9, 2024
  • Module 4: November 5, 2024

Everyday implementation dates:

  1. everyday implementation meeting: August 26, 2024
  2. everyday implementation meeting: September 24, 2024
  3. everyday implementation meeting: October 23, 2024

Exam and tutorial dates

  • Deadline for exam registration: June 25, 2024 at 23:59
  • Deadline for submission of synopsis to exam guide: November 24, 2024
  • Online exam guidance: December 9 or 10, 2024
  • Submission deadline for exam paper: December 13, 2024
  • Exam: January 13 or 14, 2025

Dates of our ongoing programs for spring 2024

Training dates:

  • Module 1: February 8 and 9, 2024
  • Module 2: March 6 and 7, 2024
  • Module 3: April 9 and 10, 2024
  • Module 4: May 7, 2024

Everyday implementation dates:

  1. everyday implementation meeting: February 26, 2024
  2. everyday implementation meeting: March 21, 2024
  3. everyday implementation meeting: April 23, 2024

Exam and tutorial dates

  • Deadline for submission of synopsis to exam guide: May 19, 2024
  • Online exam guidance: May 27 or 28, 2024
  • Exam paper deadline: June 9, 2024
  • Exam: June 19 or 20, 2024

Registration for the exam is binding from the day you are finally allocated a place on the program. Here you will receive a link to exam registration at VIA University College.

Registration procedure

We fill up the teams according to a distribution key that ensures an equal number of places for all six North Zealand municipalities, including Hillerød, Allerød, Helsingør, Gribskov, Frederikssund, Fredensborg. Registrations for each municipality are on a first-come, first-served basis. No later than three weeks before the start of the course, you will receive a final confirmation of whether you have been admitted to the class. Registration does not mean a place in the class, but registration is binding. Registration for the exam is not binding until you have received a final confirmation that you have been admitted to the class. 

Your workplace is therefore liable for the full participation fee, but has the option of providing another participant if you are unable to attend. However, a new exam fee must be paid to VIA University College.

A registration is only valid if all fields in the registration form are filled in. 

Price for the training

The Project Management program costs DKK 13,090 excluding exams.

ECTS qualifying exam (5 ECTS points) costs DKK 3,595 including online guidance and 2 books

Financial support

You can apply for funding to cover part of the training through the Municipal Competence Fund, provided that you are covered by the fund and choose to take the training including the exam. Contact your local HR department to learn more about the process.

Please note that Academics do not require a degree in order to receive support from the Municipal Competence Fund. 

Please fill out all fields below when registering

Do you have questions about the program?

If you have any questions about the program, you are more than welcome to contact our education manager Mette Tange Vestergård.

Fill out the form below and she will contact you as soon as possible.  

Mette Tange Vestergård
Senior Consultant



On October 1 in Copenhagen and October 2 in Aarhus, Denmark, we will host a Masterclass in AI management.

Learn more:

  • Tools for generative AI
  • Opportunities and dilemmas
  • Best practice examples
By attending our Masterclass, you have the opportunity to get a discount if you subsequently join our AI and Digitalization Leadership Network.
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