The Danish Association of Local Authorities, Danish Regions and the Negotiation Community's training in management of psychological work environment

Sign up for course 6 - Spring Aarhus

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LEAD will keep your data for three months after the completion of the program.
If you wish to revoke your data or want insight into the data you have provided:

Here you can contact Ida Marie Thulstrup Pedersen, LEAD,

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You have the right to complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency about the processing of your data at any time.
However, you should always first contact LEAD if you think that data has been processed incorrectly so that the parties can give their explanation.
The Danish Data Protection Agency can be contacted via www.datatilsynet

Teachers on this course in psychological work environment management

Kim Martin Nielsen

Partner | Read more here

Mickey Klysner Riis

Management Consultant | Read more here

Malene Friis Andersen


On October 1 in Copenhagen and October 2 in Aarhus, Denmark, we will host a Masterclass in AI management.

Learn more:

  • Tools for generative AI
  • Opportunities and dilemmas
  • Best practice examples
By attending our Masterclass, you have the opportunity to get a discount if you subsequently join our AI and Digitalization Leadership Network.
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