The attractive workplace

Attractive workplaces are about creating an environment where employees feel valued, motivated and engaged in their work life. We advise on developing the attractive workplace of the future that attracts and retains talented employees through a positive culture, strong relationships and development opportunities.

Our approach combines research-based knowledge and analysis with deep insight into the unique needs of your organization and business. We work closely with you to create a workplace that values collaboration, diversity, development and a healthy work environment for everyone.

What is the attractive workplace?

We are in a time of change where employees’ expectations of what constitutes an attractive workplace are shifting. As a result, there is an urgent need to rethink workplaces in both the public, private and multilateral sectors.

But there is also a need to rethink how we adapt our organizations to a future where citizens and consumers expect more and different than before (e.g. multiple bottom lines, transparent supply chains, greater diversity, ethically responsible leaders, green production and inclusive work environments).

The solution lies in working strategically to shape your organization as an attractive workplace.

The attractive workplace manages to attract and retain talented employees and managers. It also manages to continuously adapt to a future with growing expectations and fewer people in the labor market to meet those expectations.

The holistic model for the attractive workplace

Based on the best meta-studies on the subject, we have developed the “Holistic Model for the Attractive Workplace”. It consists of the 15 factors that have the greatest impact on your ability to attract and retain employees. And therefore also whether you are considered an attractive workplace.

The model consists only of the research-based factors that you can influence. The model is easy to grasp, intuitive to understand and simple to communicate – even though the professional knowledge behind it is complex and extensive. The holistic model gives you a common language and understanding to talk about attracting and retaining employees:

As an attractive workplace, you future-proof your organization

Job postings with no applicants. High turnover of employees. A growing group of employees will soon be retiring. You’re missing skilled employees and managers. You have to turn down assignments or lower expectations.

There are many examples of the problems caused by the labor challenge. Problems that Danish leaders are increasingly having to deal with, as by 2030 there will be a shortage of 90,000 people in the Danish labor market, and demographically, there will be 160,000 more people aged 80+ in 2030 than there were in 2020.

The consequence in the public sector could be that it will no longer be possible to deliver on basic welfare areas such as health, schools, day care and elderly care. In the private sector, companies are already missing out on triple-digit billions annually because they have to turn down jobs. Dansk Erhvervs therefore calls the lack of qualified labor an acute problem that should be seen as “the absolute biggest challenge facing Denmark as a society.”

By working proactively to shape your organization as an attractive workplace, you future-proof your organization. An attractive workplace is able to attract and retain talented employees and managers because it is designed according to what they value in their working life.

The organization has a strong and recognizable reputation, offers exciting development opportunities, has essential values, builds strong collegial communities and much more. What’s more, an attractive workplace understands how all these factors interact. So if you change one, it affects all the others.

LEAD's approach to the attractive workplace

There are far too many myths and half-truths about what makes an attractive workplace. Many of them stem from anecdotal knowledge, old paradigms and outdated management thinking.

To get closer to solving the workforce challenge, we believe it’s time for a breakthrough. A new way of talking about and understanding the relationship between employees and the workplace. Specifically, we believe that recruitment and retention are outdated concepts that point to mechanical and dehumanizing solutions. Retention connotes reluctance and being held on to, while recruitment is reminiscent of a ‘do or do not’ logic, where the power to choose lies unilaterally with the employer.

A better solution is to talk about the three T's:


What can we do to attract new employees who actively choose our organization?


What can we do to make existing employees connect with our organization and want to stay?


What can we do to expand the workforce or reduce the need for labor – and free up time to work close to the citizen or customer?

Furthermore, in our view, it doesn’t make sense to work in isolation on either attracting or retaining employees. It’s a both-and task for management, focusing on both attracting employees and ensuring that they settle into the job and stay in the workplace for the long term.

Working with us, you'll be able to:

  • Work strategically to create an attractive workplace based on the holistic model for the attractive workplace
  • Map out which focus areas you need to work on in your own organization
  • Use best practice examples to rethink how your organization can expand your workforce or reduce labor needs.

How we can help you

HR strategy

We help you develop and formulate your new HR strategy, focusing on your future as an attractive workplace

Developing leaders

Shaping an attractive workplace requires new knowledge and a shared understanding in the management team

Presentations and workshops

We give presentations or facilitate workshops on the factors in the holistic model for the attractive workplace that are most relevant and relevant to you

Strategy workshops

We facilitate strategy workshops where we analyze and map the current situation and development needs for the attractive workplace of the future

Workplace assessments and measurements

We offer monitoring, retention and attrition analysis in your organization. Are you succeeding in your efforts?


You can become part of LEAD’s workplace attractiveness network


We hold conferences on the attractive workplace on an ongoing basis


In the book “Help, we need colleagues”, we explain what characterizes an attractive workplace and the 15 factors of the holistic model and show you what you can do. 

You can read more about the book and pre-order it from Hans Reizel Publishers

Meet the consulting team

Christian Qvick


Claus Elmholdt

Professional director and founder

Cecilie Schultz Pedersen

Senior consultant

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for you

Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Christian Nyvang Qvick



Mobile: +45 26 79 85 93


We want to take people and organizations to the next level so they can make a difference for others and for the society we are all a part of. Towards 2030, we strive to become Denmark’s agenda-setting consultancy and an ambitious, highly professional and diverse community.

Contact us

Administration or accounting questions?

Call us on +45 5337 6000 
or write to 

LEAD – Enter next level
CVR: 35034374

LEAD Society ApS
CVR: 39168766

Visit us

Vestergade 43,
8000 Aarhus C

Overgaden Oven Vandet 10, 2nd & 3rd floor, 1415 Copenhagen K

Overgaden Oven Vandet 8, Mezzanin, 1415 Copenhagen K.

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